Conspiracy quotes, ideas and principles.

Diving headfirst into a world of hidden truths and mind-bending theories.

- Mom, what's a conspiracy theorist?
- Someone making fairly obvious observations that the government doesn't like.

"Conspiracy theories are the ultimate workout for your skepticism muscles. Flex them and watch the truth unravel!"

- Arnold Schwarzenegger

Conspiracy HUB meme.
Conspiracy HUB meme.

Unveiling Truths, Nurturing Minds, Inspiring Wisdom.
- Updated: 2024-10-21.

  1. Unravel the Enigma: Dive into the World of Conspiracy Theories!

  2. If all the countries in the world are in debt...

    Where did all the money go?

    LIFE HACKS/2023 Edition
    1. If Bill Gates is involved, avoid it.
    2. If Biden says it's true, it's false.
    3. If the CDC, FDA say it's safe, it's dangerous.
    4. If congress makes a law to help you, it will eventually hurt you.
    5. If the media agrees, it's a lie.

    If you haven't found the rabbit hole by now, you're not looking for it.

    "Read the books they want to ban."

    Government: We injected you with poison.

    Sheeple: Can I get my 5th booster now?!

  3. Unlock the Secrets: Explore the Hidden Truths Behind Conspiracy Theories!

  4. If it's illegal to financially support a "criminal terrorist group" why am I still paying taxes?

    Just asking for a friend.

    I need new conspiracy theories. All my old ones came true!

    Like income taxes, passports were a "temporary" war measure.

    Remember, if it's connected to the internet it can be used to spy on you.

    Every politician with ties to the World Economic Forum should be arrested on suspicion of high treason.

  5. Step into the Rabbit Hole: Discover the Intriguing World of Conspiracies!

  6. I am trying to follow The Science but it keeps leading me back to The Money.

    Climate change is a scam to tax everything you do and keep you poor forever.

    The social credit score will be their next step in attempting to enslave us.

    DON'T leave more money in the bank than you can afford to lose. FINAL WARNING...

    I prefer "critical thinker" over conspiracy theorist.

  7. Decode the Mystery: Journey into the Realm of Conspiracy Theories!

  8. A successful depopulation agenda would require high excess death rates, lower birth rates and for the vast majority to vilify those that question it.

    "Secrecy is the keystone to all tyranny. Not force, but secrecy and censorship.''
    ~ Robert A. Heinlein

    I don't take health advice from people who think the world is overpopulated.

    Senators should wear uniforms like NASCAR drivers so we could identify their corporate sponsers.

    In reality, Hollywood is about control and psychological warfare, not entertainment.

  9. Uncover the Unseen: Delve into the Depths of Conspiracy Theories!

  10. Do you know where the term "mortgage" originally comes from? It originates from Latin, meaning "death pledge".

    If you don't read the news... you'll be uniformed. However if you read the news.... you'll be misinformed.

    Government is the entertainment division of the military-industrial complex

    "A newspaper is a device for making the ignorant more ignorant and the crazy crazier."
    ~ H.L. Mencken

    1984 was not supposed to be an instruction manual.

  11. Embrace the Unknown: Venture into the Fascinating World of Conspiracies!

  12. I am already against funding the next war.

    No matter what product it is, "100% Natural" does NOT also mean GMO-free.

    We are the unorganized truth, fighting an organized lie.

    Your mind is your greatest weapon, your thoughts are the highest form of resistance.

    If you diet, invest, and think according to what the "news" advocates, you'll end up nutritionally, financially, and morally bankrupt.

  13. Question Everything: Embark on a Quest for Truth with Conspiracy Theories!

  14. The government hates us all. Especially people that speak the truth.

    If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal.

    The main ingredient in hand sanitizer is paranoia.

    No matter who you vote for, the rich stay rich, the poor stay poor and the bombs never stop.

    Ways to disassociate from the system:

    1. Avoid fast food restaurants and chain restaurants.
    2. Learn to cook. Make meals from scratch.
    3. Shop at local farmer's markets. Or grow your own.
    4. Use natural remedies instead of pharmaceuticals
    5. Homeschool
    6. Install Linux

  15. Join the Curious Minds: Let's Explore the Intrigue of Conspiracy Theories Together!

  16. The government is a huge Mafia that launders your tax money right back to themselves through foreign aid and endless wars.

    There’s no fair elections anywhere in the world now. It’s all a scam.

    Everyone knows that curing cancer isn't as profitable as treating it.

    They don't want to ban guns. They want a monopoly on them.

    Over-medicated and under-educated is exactly how they want us.

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Serious Discussions You Won't Take Seriously: Brace yourself for a realm where sarcasm reigns supreme, and political discourse reaches thrilling new heights. We believe that political discussions don't have to be dry and devoid of humor.