Jokes and Puns: Lighten up your day!

If laughter is the best medicine...

"I don't tell jokes to make people laugh. I tell them so they can see the deeper truth hidden within."

- George Carlin

Weird Bizarre Oddball Jokes
Weird Jokes meme.

Weird never felt so funny.
- Updated: 2024-07-27.

  1. Get ready for a comedy extravaganza.

  2. Mafia: the same thing as the government, without all the pretense.

    Let's stop sending money to other countries and let them hate us for free.

    Things to make your day better:

    1) Do not watch the news.

    Government can't profit from self-sufficient people.


    "Всё что говорят обо мне за моей спиной, слушает только моя жопа"

    The lack of teenage pregnancies at Hogwarts is unrealistic considering that the students had no Sex Ed classes.

    Ways to my heart
    1. Buy me food
    2. Make me food
    3. Be food ( preferably covered in bacon)

    As they say in France, "Allahu Akbar".

    When the government says you don't need a gun buy two.

  3. Where each joke is a sparkling gem of wit and humor.

  4. What kind of pizza did the World Trade Center order?

    2 Plains.

    Fall in love with your problems, maybe they will leave you too.

    The President should have so little power it doesn’t matter who is in the Oval Office.

    Transgenderism is a Marxsist's depopulation cult.

    AI doesn’t replace programmers.

    It simply makes English a programming language.

    Self-image is the prison. Other people are the guards.

    "Good investors don’t sell investment advice."

    Remember, it's illegal to expose the illegal things the government does.

    If you can make a woman laugh, you're almost there.

    If you're almost there and then she laughs, that's a different thing.

    My doctor prescribed me Medical Marijuana and Viagra.

    Now I sleep hard.

  5. Jokes and puns are like treasure troves of laughter waiting to be explored!

  6. People with “Trust No one” tattoos are liars.
    They have already trusted the tattoo artist.

    The only way to win with a toxic person is not to play.

    How does Ace Ventura respond to people who don't like coffee?

    All right, tea then!

    If you think you look ugly in glasses, it may just be because you can see your face better with them.

    Less thinky, more drinky!

    TikTok is banned in India but most of Indian movies are just really long TikTok videos.

    I have a problem with my genitals.

    One of my balls hangs lower than the other two.

    Porn sites are the only places where it’s acceptable to separate people by their age, sexuality, race and country.

    We eat chickens before they are born and after they are dead.

    I stand behind Alec Baldwin

    (standing in front of him sounds terrifying)

  7. It's like stumbling upon a comedy gold mine.

  8. Liberty is the way.

    End big government before it ends you.

    Porn is just videos of people at their work.

    "The four most dangerous words in investing are: 'this time it's different."

    Sir John Templeton

    Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

    Mark Twain

    The lack of money is the root of all evil.

    Mark Twain

    Son: Happy Father's Day!

    Dad: “And a happy Sunday to you!”

    I've just become a professor of palindromes.

    You may now call me Dr. Awkward

    Sunlight isn't toxic. Sunscreen is.

    Life is a single player game.

    Alligators can live up to 70 years, which is why you're more likely to see them later.

  9. Where puns are always intended and jokes are always hilarious.

  10. Your penis is just like your signature

    You should be very careful where you put it

    9/11 gets only a day for mourning while gay people get a “pride” month because homosexuality is a bigger tragedy.

    Climate change is a scam to tax everything you do and keep you poor forever.

    The death of dogma is the birth of reason.
    -- Kant

    How do you make 7 even?

    You take away the s.

    How come the moon skipped dinner?
    Because it was full.

    I date short women so when we break up I can keep my pictures.

    Keep calm and kill people in your mind.

    If the other planet’s moons have its own name, what is the name of our moon?

    When someone says they did something "like a boss," I assume they didn't do anything and just took credit for someone else's work.

  11. Jokes and Puns: For when you need a good laugh.

  12. Bras are measured in cups because they have milk in them.
    True story bro.

    Sugar is just a gay salt.

    - Where does a Machine Learning engineer go camping?
    - In a Random Forest!

    It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.

    All my passwords are protected by amnesia.

    If Coca Cola formula is a secret, what do they write on “ingredients”? If some ingredients are missing from the label, why do the regulators allow them to do that?

    If you beat your own record, you’re both a winner and a loser.

    "To build a career, turn your ability into credibility."

    Telling a depressed person to be happy is like asking a blind person to wear glasses.

    Life tip:The best time to search for a job is when you already have one.

  13. Jokes and Puns: The cure for a bad mood.

  14. Your childhood ends the day you realise that sleep is a reward and not a punishment.

    Shakespeare: to be or not to be.

    Schrödinger: you got it.

    Life tip: It's not a discount if you otherwise wouldn't have bought it.

    World's simplest diet: the more processed the food, the less one should consume.

    Racism is bad. Everyone is equal.
    Doesn’t matter you are normal or Chinese.

    School is not hard.
    Paying attention to something you’re not interested in is.

    The meaning of life is to keep yourself busy with unnecessary shit until you are dead forever.

    Google uses you a lot more than you use Google.

    Don't take medical advice from people who think the world is overpopulated.

    Escape competition through authenticity.

  15. Jokes and Puns: The ultimate source of laughter.

  16. "If you can't decide, the answer is No."

    Mice Die in Mouse Traps Because They Do Not Understand Why The Cheese Is Free.
    The Same thing Happens With Socialism.

    Things only have the value that we give them.

    - Moliere

    “There is advantage in the wisdom won from pain.”
    - Aeschylus

    Sex therapists claim that the best way to arouse a man is to spend 10 minutes licking his ears.

    Personally I think it’s nuts.

    "Time is the ultimate currency."

    A computer would deserve to be called intelligent if it could deceive a human into believing that it was human.

    - Alan Turing

    Sleep is the best meditation.

    Dalai Lama

    “The problem with experts is that they do not know what they do not know.”
    Nassim Taleb

    They say you've got to spend money to make money.
    I feel like there's some middle step I've been missing...

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They have been viewed so many times that they've practically become the unofficial currency of internet humor, making us wonder if we're all just living in a digital comedy club.