Hilarious Dog Jokes that Will Make You Howl !

Unleash your sense of humor.

"I once asked my dog what he thought of my acting skills. He just rolled his eyes and went back to sleep."
- George Clooney

Dogs jokes collection.
Dogs Jokes meme.

Weird never felt so funny.
- Updated: 2024-09-15.

  1. Woof-tastic Humor: Laugh Your Tail Off with Dog Jokes Galore!

  2. Q: What do pimps and dogs have in common?
    A: They both ate pussy.

    I asked a librarian if she had a book about Pavlov's dog and Schrödinger's cat...
    She said it rang a bell, but she wasn't sure if it was there or not.

    I went to the cinema to watch “Harry Potter”
    ...and I was surprised to see a man and his dog there. The dog barked at the exciting bits, growled at the scary bits and whimpered at the sad bits. At the end I approached the owner and said how I had never seen a dog enjoy a film so much and I was amazed. He replied “So am I. He hated the book”

    - What was the movie about the dog called?
    - The woof of wall street.

    A man rushes his limp dog to the veterinarian. The doctor pronounces the dog dead. The agitated man demands a second opinion. The vet goes into the back room and comes out with a cat. The cat sniffs the body and meows. The vet says, "I'm sorry, but the cat thinks that your dog is dead, too." The man is still unwilling to accept that his dog is dead. The vet brings in a black Labrador. The lab sniffs the body and barks. The vet says, "I'm sorry, but the lab thinks your dog is dead, too." The man finally resigns to the diagnosis and asks how much he owes. The vet answers, "$650." "$650 to tell me my dog is dead?" exclaims the man. "Well," the vet replies, "I would only have charged you $50 for my initial diagnosis. The additional $600 is for the cat scan and lab tests."

    Q: Why did the man name his dogs Rolex and Timex?
    A: Because they were watch dogs.

    Reporter: "Excuse me, may I interview you?"
    Man: "Yes!"
    Reporter: "Name?"
    Man: "Abdul Al-Rhazim."
    Reporter: "Sex?"
    Man: "Three to five times a week."
    Reporter: "No no! I mean male or female?"
    Man: "Yes, male, female... sometimes camel."
    Reporter: "Holy cow!"
    Man: "Yes, cow, sheep... animals in general."
    Reporter: "But isn't that hostile?"
    Man: "Yes, horse style, dog style, any style."
    Reporter: "Oh dear!"
    Man: "No, no deer. Deer run too fast. Hard to catch."

    One day, an old lady went to the store to get some food for her dog.
    When she got to the counter to pay, the cashier said she needed proof that the old lady had a dog because some old people have been known to just eat the animal food themselves. So she went home got her puppy, bought it to the store and purchased the dog food.
    One week later, she went to get some cat food. Once again the cashier needed proof that the old lady had a cat. So she went home, got her cat, came back and purchased the cat food.
    Two weeks later, the old lady walked in the same market to buy something . She held a bag in front of the cashier and told him to put his fingers in the bag and then smell them. When the cashier did, he said, "It smells like poop!"
    The old lady replied, "Can I buy some toilet paper now?"

    A dog lover, whose dog was a female and "in heat', agreed to look after her neighbour's male dog while the neighbours were on vacation.
    She had a large house and believed that she could keep the two dogs apart. However, as she was drifting off to sleep, she heard awful howling and moaning sounds, rushed downstairs and found the dogs locked together, in obvious pain and unable to disengage, as so frequently happens when dogs mate
    Unable to separate them, and perplexed as to what to do next, although it was late, she called the vet, who answered in a very grumpy voice.
    Having explained the problem to him, the vet said, "Hang up the phone and place it down alongside the dogs. I will then call you back and the noise of the ringing will make the male lose his erection and he will be able to withdraw."
    "Do you think that will work ?" she asked.
    "Just worked on me," he replied.

    The pandemic has closed down so many businesses, it's not funny. But sometimes the only way to deal with it is to look at it in a lighter vein. We mourn the loss of the following businesses:
    A local bra shop has gone bust.
    A mining company has gone under.
    A manufacturer of food blenders has gone into liquidation.
    A dog kennels has had to call in the retrievers.
    An origami book company has folded.
    An aerial installation company has called in the receivers.
    A key company has gone into lockdown.
    A watchsmith has wound down and called time.
    An ice cream shop has had its assets frozen.
    A shoe factory has been soled and employees given the boot.
    The Heinz factory has been canned as they couldn't ketchup with orders.
    The tarmac company has reached the end of the road.
    The bread company has run out of dough.
    The laundrette has been taken to the cleaners.
    And finally, the dry cleaners and ironing service has run out of steam.

    My wife says I need to put on the mask before I leave the house. I always do.
    I'm sure my dog is sick of that stupid movie though.

    The dyslexic agnostic insomniac stayed up all night wondering if there is a dog.

    The noblest, kindest breed of dog is the hot dog. It’s the only dog that feeds the hand that bites him.

    Is it cheating if your dog licks your balls?

    So a guy went to a zoo on his day off. There were no animals there besides one dog. It was a Shit Tzu.

  3. Pawsitively Hilarious: The Ultimate Destination for Doggone Funny Jokes!

  4. Q: What dogs do you find in a hotdogs?
    A: Inbreds.

    I had a dog with no legs, called him cigarette.
    Because I took him out every night for a drag.

    What dog does Dracula own?

    A Blood Hound.

    A little girl asked her mom, "Mom, may I take the dog for a walk around the block?"
    Mom replies, "No because she is in heat."
    "What's that mean?" asked the child.
    "Go ask your father. I think he's in the garage."
    The little girl goes to the garage and says, "Dad, may I take Belle for a walk around the block? I asked Mom, but she said the dog was in heat and to come to you."
    Dad said, "Bring Belle over here." He took a rag, soaked it with petrol and scrubbed the dog's backside with it and said, "I've heard that's supposed to work. Okay, you can go now, but keep Belle on the leash and only go one time around the block."
    The little girl left, and returned a few minutes later with no dog on the leash.
    Surprised, Dad asked, "Where's Belle?"
    The little girl said, "She ran out of petrol about halfway down the block, so another dog is pushing her home."

    Rob kissed his wife, crawled into bed and fell asleep. All of a sudden, he woke up to find an elderly man dressed in a white robe standing at the foot of his bed.
    "What the hell are you doing in my bedroom?... and who are you?" he asked.
    "This is not your bedroom," the man replied, "I am St. Peter, and you are in heaven."
    "WHAT! Are you saying I'm dead? I don't want to die! I'm too young," said Rob. "I want you to send me back immediately."
    "It's not that easy", said St.Peter. "You can only return as a dog or a hen. The choice is yours."
    Rob thought about it for a while, and figured that being a dog is too tiring, but a hen probably has a nice and relaxed life.
    "I want to return as a hen."
    And in the next second, he found himself in a chicken run, really nicely feathered. But now he felt like his rear end was gonna blow. Then along came another hen.
    "Hey, you must be the new hen St. Pe! ter told me about," she said.
    "How do you like being a hen?"
    "Well, OK I guess, but it feels like I am going to explode."
    "Oh that!" said the other hen. "That's only the ovulation going on. You need to lay an egg."
    "How do I do that?" Rob asked.
    "Cluck twice, and then push all you can."
    Rob clucked twice and pushed more than he was good for, and then 'plop' an egg was on the ground.
    "Wow" Rob said, "That felt really good!"
    So he clucked again and squeezed. And you better believe that there was another egg on the ground.
    The third time he clucked, he heard his wife shout:
    "Rob, for Christ's sake! Wake up! You're shittin' all over the bed!

    My buddy got a dog and asked me if I had anything to help him. I gave him a rope.

    Its the leash I could do.


    1. The fattest knight at King Arthurs round table was Sir Cumference. He acquired his size from too much pi.

    2. I thought I saw an eye doctor on an Alaskan island, but it turned out to be an optical Aleutian.

    3. She was only a whiskey maker, but he loved her still.

    4. A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algebra class, because it was a weapon of math disruption.

    5. No matter how much you push the envelope, it'll still be stationery.

    6. A dog gave birth to puppies near the road and was cited for littering.

    7. A grenade thrown into a kitchen in France would result in Linoleum Blownapart.

    8. Two silk worms had a race. They ended up in a tie.

    9. A hole has been found in the nudist camp wall. The police are looking into it.

    10. Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

    11. Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

    12. Two hats were hanging on a hat rack in the hallway. One hat said to the other: You stay here; I'll go on a head.

    13. I wondered why the baseball kept getting bigger. Then it hit me.

    14. A sign on the lawn at a drug rehab center said: Keep off the Grass.

    15. The midget fortune-teller who escaped from prison was a small medium at large.

    16. The soldier who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned veteran.

    17. A backward poet writes inverse.

    18. In a democracy it’s your vote that counts. In feudalism it’s your count that votes.

    19. When cannibals ate a missionary, they got a taste of religion.

    20. If you jumped off the bridge in Paris, you'd be in Seine.

    21. A vulture boards an airplane, carrying two dead raccoons. The stewardess looks at him and says, I’m sorry, sir, only one carrion allowed per passenger.

    22. Two fish swim into a concrete wall. One turns to the other and says Dam!

    23. Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly, so they lit a fire in the craft. Unsurprisingly it sank, proving once again that you can’t have your kayak and heat it too.

    24. Two hydrogen atoms meet. One says, I’ve lost my electron. The other says Are you sure? The first replies, Yes, I’m positive.

    25. Did you hear about the Buddhist who refused Novocain during a root canal?
    His goal: transcend dental medication.

    Caught my dog listening to country. Now he's lickin' for love in all the wrong places.

    I couldn't understand why my dog was motionless. Then I realized...
    It was on paws.

    A woman is pregnant with Triplets when she goes to the bank. A robber comes in and shoots her three times, hitting all three babies. Thankfully they all survived but the bullets were lodged inside them. Her surgeon told her they’d be ok but on their 18th birthday they’ll piss out the bullet.

    18 years pass and the day arrived. First son calls, “Mom, I just pissed out a bullet”. Second son calls, “Mom I woke up this morning and there was a bullet in the bed!” Finally her third son calls, “holy fuck mom, i was jerking off and I just came so hard I shot the dog!”

    Saw a man in the cemetery and said “Morning”.
    He said “No I’m just walking the dog”!

    Two old guys on the porch are watching a dog lick his balls. One guy says, "I wish I could do that." The second guy suggests, "You ought to try petting him first."

    A fireman looked out of the firehouse window and noticed a little boy playing on the sidewalk. He had small ladders hung on the side of his little red wagon, and a garden hose coiled up in it. He was wearing a fireman's hat. He had the wagon tied to his dog, so that the dog could pull the wagon. The fireman thought this was really cute, so he went out and told the little boy what a great looking fire truck he had. As he did, he noticed that the dog was tied to the wagon by his testicles. The fireman said, "Son, I don't want to tell you how to run your fire company or anything, but I think if you would tie that rope around the dog's neck you would go faster." Maybe so," said the little boy, "but then I'd lose my siren!"

    A three-legged dog walks into a saloon, his spurs clinking as he walks, his six-shooter slapping at his furry hip. He bellies up to the bar, stares down the bartender, and proclaims, "I'm looking for the man who shot my paw."

    Two friends are walking their dogs together. One has a big black lab, while the other has a minuscule chihuahua. They pass a bar and the lab owner says, "Let's get a beer." The chihuahua walker complains, "That would be great, but we can't take our dogs in there." The first responds, "Watch me."
    The lab owner strolls in with her dog and orders a beer. The bartender tells her, "Sorry, you can't bring your dog in here." "He's my seeing eye dog," the woman replies feigning offense. The bartender quickly apologizes and serves her the beer.
    The other woman follows, her chihuahua in tow, and orders a beer as well. Again the bartender says there are no dogs allowed in the bar. "He's my seeing eye dog," the woman replies. "Yeah, right,” the bartender says, “A chihuahua? Give me a break."
    Without missing a beat, the woman replies, "They gave me a chihuahua?!"

  5. Barking Up the Funny Tree: Hilarious Dog Jokes for Canine Comedy Lovers!

  6. If a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does he choose?

    i bought the wife a pug dog yesterday, despite the squashed nose , bulging eyes and rolls of fat ...
    the dog seems to like her .

    The police arrested a dog that was giving birth on the side of the road.
    Littering is a crime apparently.

    When it’s raining cats and dogs, make sure not to step in a poodle!! 🐩

    So a guy walks into a bar with his dog. The bartender says, "Sorry, no dogs allowed."
    "Oh, but this is a special dog," replies the man, "he can speak English. If you pour me a beer, I'll show you."
    So the bartender shrugs and serves the man a beer. He turns to his dog and asks, "Rover, how does sandpaper feel?"
    Without hesitation the dog replies, "Rough! Rough!"
    Angry, the bartender ejects man and dog from the bar: "Get the hell outta here!"
    Outside, the man frowns, looks down at his dog and shakes his head.
    "What," says the dog, "Should I have said 'abrasive'?" 🐶

    I've been married long enough to know that when my wife says 'I love you', she is talking to the dog 🐕

    My dogs are called Rolex and Timex......They"re watchdogs

    I named my dog "5 miles" so I can tell people I walk 5 miles every day.🐩

    A blind man was waiting to cross the road when his guide dog peed on his leg.
    He reached into his pocket and took out a biscuit for the dog.
    A passer-by who'd seen everything remarked, "That's very tolerant of you after what he just did."
    "Not really," came the reply. "I'm just finding out where his mouth is, so I can kick him in the nuts." 😎

    Don't name a male dog Karma.
    Karma’s a bitch.

    Q: What did the dog get when he multiplied 88 x 7?
    A: The wrong answer. 🙄

    Q: Why isn't Snoop Dogg aloud to stop at rest areas?
    A: Because the sign says 'All dogs must be on leashes'

    My girlfriend's dog died, so I tried to cheer her up by getting her an identical one. It just made her more upset. She screamed at me, "What am I supposed to do with two dead dogs?"

    My girlfriend's dog died, so I tried to cheer her up by getting her an identical one. It just made her more upset. She screamed at me, "What am I supposed to do with two dead dogs?"

    What do you call a dog that can tell time?
    A watch dog! 🐶

  7. "Unleash the Laughs: Where Dogs Rule the Comedy Scene!

  8. Where do you find a dog with no legs?
    Right where you left him!

    You need to take a bull by the horns, and a man by his word.

    A barking dog never bites.

    Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 💖

    He who hesitates is lost.

    If you lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas.

    Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone. 😥

    Bart was a regular fellow, quite charming actually. But he farted often than most.

    Bart has obatined that sweet sweet yes from the girl of his dream, they agreed to a date on his now girlfriend's house.

    They were eating, chatting, laughing, until he had the sudden urge to fart. Of course like any decent gentleman he chose not to embarrass himself and hold it in. But he failed and it came out almost instantly.

    "Max, get out of here right now!" His girlfriend said. Max was her dog that was sitting just beside their table.

    Bart was relieved that she thought it was the dog that farted! Looks like he got away this time.

    Now Max the obedient boy that he is, went straight under the table, girlfrien.. let's just call her Annie from now, just ignored him and continued on their date.

    About 5 minutes have passed and Bart had the urge to fart again. He's not called Farty Bart for nothing.

    This time it was one of those farts that are labeled "silent but deadly" Bart wanted to be sneaky and just let it out without a sound, praying Annie wouldn't notice.

    Again, he failed.

    Annie noticed the absurd smell immediately.

    Again she said "Max, get out of here i said!"

    Again Max didn't bat an eye and just stayed there.

    Bart, again relieved that he got away because of his now best friend Max, is... well about to fart again.

    This fart was one of those "big ones" you know the one the you know is gonna be bad... like really bad

    He tried to hold it in, his face began to turn red, he sweated a lot, he was like having this spiritual battle... with his fart.

    And then alas, he failed.

    The fart came out in all of it's glory, probably filling the whole room!

    Now Annie was full of it, she couldn't stand it, Max had to go.

    Annie stood up and said "Max! If you don't get out of here right now you're gonna get shat on!"

    A Marine boarded a train on his way home from deployment...
    The train was quite crowded, and the Marine walked the entire length looking for a seat. There seemed to be one next to a well-dressed middle-aged French woman, but when he got there he saw it was taken by the woman's poodle. The war-weary Marine asked, "Ma'am, may I have that seat?"
    The French woman sniffed and said to no one in particular, "Americans are so rude.. My little Fifi is using that seat.."
    The Marine walked the entire train again, but the only seat available was under that dog. "Please, Ma'am. May I sit down? I'm very tired." She snorted, "Not only are you Americans rude, you are also arrogant!" This time the Marine didn't say a word; he just picked up the little dog, tossed it out the train window and sat down.
    The woman shrieked, "Someone must defend my honor! Put this American in his place!" An English gentleman sitting nearby spoke up.
    "Sir, you Americans seem to have a penchant for doing the wrong thing. You hold the fork in the wrong hand. You drive your autos on the wrong side of the road. And now, sir, you seem to have thrown the wrong bitch out the window." 🐩

    Last night my wife and I made love doggy style. I sat up and begged...she rolled over and played dead. 😎

    What do you call a dog with no legs...?
    It doesn't matter what you call him, he isn't going to come.

    I work for money.
    If you want loyality, hire a dog 🐩

    What do you call a dog that can do magic? A Labracadabrador. 🐶

More dogs jokes on the following pages...

SEE also - CREATURES Jokes - funny living things stories:

Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side of the aquarium, of course! Wait, that's not right...or is it? We've got jokes that are so wild and unpredictable, you'll never know what's coming next. From fish that can't hold their liquor to birds that can't stop chirping, our jokes are sure to make you laugh until you're red in the face. So whether you're a dog person, a cat person, or a person who just really loves puns, come on down to our virtual petting zoo and let's get this party started!