Laughing with the Beasts - Animal Jokes that Tame Your Funny Bone!

Get ready for a howling good time!

"I've been accused of being a bad influence on animals. Well, I guess that's what happens when you're a party animal yourself!" -
Paris Hilton

Animal Jokes meme
Animal Jokes meme.

Weird never felt so funny.
- Updated: 2024-09-18.

  1. Animal Jokes That'll Make You Go Wild!

  2. Dolphins are so smart! Within a few weeks of captivity, they can train people to stand on the edge of a pool and throw them fish.

    I had a hen that could count her own eggs 🥚
    Turns out she was a

    What do you call a famous turtle?
    A shellebrity.

    Never tell a Lion to swallow his Pride.

    How many times do you have to tickle an octopus to make it laugh?


    Of course it only has 8 of those.

    So the first two were test-tickles!

    I went for a job as a blacksmith, they asked “Have you ever shoed a horse..?”

    I replied “No, but I once told a donkey to bugger off”

    I came down stairs this morning and found my dog stuck on the fridge door.
    I think he’s eaten the magnets again.

    My friend asked if I knew the difference between an Indian and African elephant.
    I said "Yeah! one's an elephant."

    I hate snakes and worms because they have no feet...
    You could say I'm lacktoes intolerant!

    Why did the crab cross the road? He didn't. He used the sidewalk.

    I've been reading a book on pig anatomy.

    To be honest, It was all pretty standard until I got to the end....

    then there was a twist in the tail.....

    My dog’s getting slow in his old age. He’s just brought me yesterdays newspaper

    A happily married man had only one complaint, his wife was always nursing sick birds
    One November evening, he came home to find a raven with a splint on its beak sitting in his favorite chair
    On the dining room table there was a feverish eagle pecking at an aspirin
    Meanwhile in the kitchen his wife was comforting a shivering little wren that she found in the snow
    The furious husband strode over to where his wife was toweling down the cold little bird
    “I can’t take it anymore! We’ve got to get rid of all of these damn…”
    The wife held up her hand to cut him off in mid-curse
    “Please dear,” she said, “Not in front of the chilled wren”

    What do you call a beehive without an exit? Unbelievable.

    Seeing a spider isn't a problem. It becomes a problem when the spider is gone.

  3. Laughing with the Beasts - Animal Jokes that Tame Your Funny Bone!

  4. What do you get when you cross a turtle with a porcupine? A slow poke.

    I threw a ball for my dog...
    It's a bit extravagant I know, but it was his birthday and he looks great in a dinner jacket.

    Why does a tiger have stripes?

    So he won't be spotted.

    Which side of a leopard has the most spots?
    The outside!

    Took the dog for a walk yesterday, I remembered to take poo bags...
    Although, my wife really hates that nickname.

    Some say injecting helium into animals is cruel.
    I say whatever floats your goat!

    "My son has decided to turn vegan and won't eat any kind of meat.

    What can I replace it with?"

    "A Labrador. They'll eat anything."

    I went Speed Dating once.

    "Have you got any pets?" one girl asked.

    "Yeah, a goldfish."

    "Any hobbies?" she said

    "Yes, he loves swimming..."

    Did you hear the story of how cows provided milk for the Roman Army?
    It's legion-dairy.

    What do you get when you cross a donkey with an onion? A piece of ass that will bring a tear to your eye.

    Why don't squirrels swim in cold water?
    The nuts shrink.

    What do you call a mobile home for insane horses?


    Sad News
    My Obese Parrot died today.
    It is however, a huge weight off my Shoulders.

    Gave the dog a bath yesterday!
    It's just sitting in his kennel though, I don't think he knows how to plumb it in.

    What's the difference between a bluebird and an elephant ?
    A bluebird is blue !
    What did Tarzan say when he saw the elephants coming ?
    " Here come the bluebirds !
    ( Tarzan was colour blind )

  5. Unleash the Chuckles - Where Animal Jokes Run Free!

  6. What do you do with an elephant with 3 balls?
    Walk him and pitch to the giraffe.

    I bet giraffes don't even know what farts smell like.

    How did the squid make the whale laugh? With ten tickles.

    A simpler, more believable theory is that all the dinosaurs got married and just quit having sex all together.

    What do you call a sleeping bull?
    A Bulldozer.

    I bought a new muzzle for my pet duck. Nothing flashy but it fits the bill...

    I got a new Puppy yesterday, called it Rolex, gonna be a watch dog.

    Why did the pig dump her boyfriend?
    Because he was a real BOAR.

    What do you say to a cow if it’s in your way?

    Why did the police arrest the turkey?
    They suspected it of fowl play!

    People scared of spiders should move to Baghdad as in Iraq no phobia.

    What do you get if you cross an angry sheep and a angry cow?

    You get two animals in a baaaaaaaad moooooooood.

    Why do ostriches have such long necks?

    Because their heads are so far away from their bodies!

    Why was the baby ant confused? Because all his uncles were ants!

    What's worse than lobsters on your piano?
    Crabs on your organ!

  7. Get Your Paws on Hilarious Animal Jokes - No Monkey Business!

  8. A termite walks into a bar and asks, "Is the bar tender here?"

    What is a horse’s favorite sport? Stable tennis!

    shepherd: i love my job
    🐑: all you do is boss me around
    shepherd: what did you say ?
    🐑: you herd me

    Yesterday I spotted an albino Dalmatian.
    It was the least I could do for him.

    My grandpa has the heart of the lion and a lifetime ban from the zoo.

    Time flys like an arrow.
    Fruit flies like a banana.

    What's a good age to tell your Pet, he was adopted?

    Did you hear about the cannibalistic lion?

    He swallowed his pride.

    The degree to which one hates mosquitoes is typically based on how much mosquitoes love them.

    When butterflies fall in love do they feel people in their stomach?

    How many beers does it take to get a tropical bird drunk?



    What’s the difference between a dog and a marine biologist?
    One wags a tail and the other tags a whale.

    Don't try to eat the chickens in Minecraft.

    They're too gamey.

    I went to the beekeeper to get 12 bees. He counted and gave me 13. "Sir, you gave me an extra."

    "That's a freebie."

More jokes about animals on the following pages...

SEE also - CREATURES Jokes - funny living things stories:

Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side of the aquarium, of course! Wait, that's not right...or is it? We've got jokes that are so wild and unpredictable, you'll never know what's coming next. From fish that can't hold their liquor to birds that can't stop chirping, our jokes are sure to make you laugh until you're red in the face. So whether you're a dog person, a cat person, or a person who just really loves puns, come on down to our virtual petting zoo and let's get this party started!