Random social networks joke:
I signed up for an anti-social network.
I think there's a lot of us, but nobody posts.
If they do, we'll be watching...

Weird never felt so funny.
- Updated:
Selected social networks jokes:
Dance like nobody’s watching .
Sing like nobody’s listening.
Tweet like nobody gives a fuck.
Twitter 69 - you retweet me, I'll retweet you.
The internet is just another location for people to be wrong about things.
Them: explain it to me like I’m a child.
Me: I can’t because I don’t have TikTok.
More social networks jokes...
What picture does an ELF click?
All my friends on MSN Messenger have all started calling me 'Old Fashioned'.
Google Plus was the gym of social networking.
We all joined but no one ever used it.
I'm starting an antisocial network. You're not invited.
At a mental hospital :
Doctor: - What is this?
Mad man: - This is a book i wrote. It has a total of 500 pages.
Doctor:- You wrote 500 pages! Wow, what did you write?
Mad man:- On the first page i wrote 'One king rode on a horse and went towards the jungle'.
And on the last page i wrote 'The king reached the jungle'.
Doctor:- So what did you write in the remaining 498 pages?
Mad man:- I wrote;
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Tigdik tigdik tigdik tigdik.
Tigdik ti tigdik
Doctor :- (stunned) And what's that?
Mad Man:- That's the sound of the horse running...The hooves digging the terrain.
Doctor:- And who will read your story?
Mad Man:- I will put it on Facebook plenty of nutters on there who will definitely read it..... One of them is reading it as we speak! 👋
India banned TikTok but most of Indian movies are just really long TikTok videos.
How do you make a vegan go back to eating meat?
Remove their vocal cords and ban them from social media.
My boss fired me for being on Twitter at work
I don't think he understands how a social media manager works...
Back in the 1980s, I fell off my bike, twisted my foot, and hurt my knee.
I'm telling you this now because there was no social media back then.
The clitoris has over 8000 nerve endings.
But it's still not as sensitive as a vegan on social media.
What would you call a social media marketing genius?
Do you remember how before social media nobody cared what, where and with whom you ate?
Still nobody cares.
Social media is like waking up in a mental asylum.
You have no idea you're committed until you try to leave.
Me: Doctor, you've gotta help me! I'm addicted to Social Media.
Doctor: I don't follow you.
Three social media news article writers walk into a bar.
You won't believe what happens next.
Sociologists say that social media is creating the laziest generation ever.
I expressed my opinion in great detail by hitting the “Like” button.
What do you call a reptile that starts fights over social media?
An InstaGator.
How can you spot the losers in a social media War?
They're the ones yelling, "Retweet! Retweet!!"
What do social media Influencers and perverts have in common?
They both think people want their exposure.
At first, I thought my idea for a social media platform had failed
But then I made a 4chan.
I’m thinking of starting a social media network for chickens.
Not as a full time job just a way to make hens meet.
Have you heard about the social media stars who are coughing and sick?
They're Instagram Influenzas.
There's a new social media platform where people can take pictures of how they've been conned by their coke dealer.
- What do you call an anti-vaxxer who’s big in social media?
- An influenzar.
When facebook bans female boobs, but not men's, it shows a real intolerance...
lactose intolerance.
A Chinese-owned social media platform has been poisoning breath mints to accomplish their goals.
It's the TikTok tic tac tactic.
- What do you call an English teacher with a social media addiction?
- Instagrammar.
Being on social media is like having sex.
It's fun until you know your parents do it too.
Going on social media these days is like going to church, after 5mins, I feel guilty af.
- What is Mr Frog's favourite social media platform?
- Reddit reddit. Reddit
Where's the best place to find out about Spiderman?
-"On the web".