Random pizza joke:
There’s a type of person who will take only one slice of pizza in case there isn’t enough for everyone, and a type who will take three slices for the same reason.
Weird never felt so funny.
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Selected pizza jokes:
I misplaced my pizza cutter, so I used my Bryan Adams CD
It cuts like a knife.
What is the biggest joke about pineapple? That it goes on pizza.
Bad sex is like bad pizza or bad beer...if you can actually finish it, it's not THAT bad.
What is a pizza maker’s favorite song?
Slice, Slice Baby.
More pizza jokes...
Why are Pizzas made round, cut into triangles then put into a square box?
Q: What do a pizza delivery driver & a Gynecologist have in common?
A:They both have to smell it but neither of them gets to eat it.
What’s the difference between a drummer and a large pizza?
The pizza can feed a family.