When irreverence meets reverence, it's Jesus jokes time.

Updated: 2024-05-03.

Finding humor in the divine.

Jesus said, 'Love thy neighbor,' but my neighbor is a jerk.

Jesus said, 'Turn the other cheek,' but I'm all out of cheeks.

I asked Jesus, 'What's the secret to eternal life?'
He said, 'Stop asking me and go live your life.'

Jesus Christ jokes collection.

When laughter meets the sacred.

Q:What's the difference between Jesus and a picture of Jesus?
A:Only takes one nail to put the picture up.

Holy humor that'll make you say 'Hallelujah!'.

This post is on a laughter break. Stay tuned for some hilariously creative content!

Where Jesus jokes are heaven-sent.

This post is on a laughter break. Stay tuned for some hilariously creative content!

Unleashing the lighter side of faith.

This post is on a laughter break. Stay tuned for some hilariously creative content!

Laughing with the Lord.

This post is on a laughter break. Stay tuned for some hilariously creative content!

Walking on water? We prefer walking on laughter.

This post is on a laughter break. Stay tuned for some hilariously creative content!

Holy hilarity at its finest.

This post is on a laughter break. Stay tuned for some hilariously creative content!

More Jesus jokes on the following pages...

SEE also - CULT, FANTASY and MAGIC Jokes - hilarious fantastic collection to make you laugh:

Why did the wizard join a cult? Because he wanted to add a little magic to his religious experience! Brace yourself for a divine dose of humor that will leave you spellbound and laughing out loud. Whether you're a believer or not, these jokes are sure to cast a spell on your funny bone. So grab your wand, put on your wizard hat, and get ready for a heavenly dose of laughter!