Fun Facts: Expand Your Mind with Entertaining Trivia.

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Fun fact: If Celine Dion sang just the vowels in her name, it would be the lyrics to Old McDonald's Farm.

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Weird never felt so funny.
- Updated: 2024-10-21.

Selected FUNNY FACTS jokes:

FUN Fact:
The television was invented before sliced bread.

FUN Fact:
A new study found that overall, Android users are more honest than iPhone users.

FUN Fact:
J.K. Rowling was the first person to ever become a billionaire from writing books.

FUN Fact:
Unfaithful men have lower IQs according to a scientific study.


Fun fact.
One hour of chewing gum can burn off the calories you gain from eating one Pringle.

Fun fact: If Celine Dion sang just the vowels in her name, it would be the lyrics to Old McDonald's Farm.

Fun fact.

Every time Sweden and Denmark play a football match, the scoreboard says SWE - DEN.

Interestingly, the letters omitted from the scoreboard spell DEN - MARK.

FUN Fact: Vodka drinkers are less likely to suffer from a stroke.

FUN Fact
Nothing makes an introvert happy than a cancelled plan.

Lemons were not naturally made, so life didn’t give us lemons, we gave lemons life.

Fun Fact: The word 'bed' looks like an actual bed.

FUN Fact:
Every human being starts out as an anus - It's the first part of our bodies to form in the womb.

FUN Fact:
Horses 'wink' with their vaginas when they are horny.

FUN Fact:
Watching horror films can burn up to 200 calories, the same as a half-hour walk.

FUN Fact:
There is a town in Canada called Dildo.

FUN Fact:
According to an Oxford study, falling in love costs you on average 2 friends.

FUN Fact:
Female ferrets can die if they don't have enough sex.

FUN Fact:
Go. is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.

FUN Fact:
The doctor who discovered that hand washing prevented the spread of disease was thrown in a mental institution for his crazy ideas.

FUN Fact:
In 2006, an Australian man attempted to sell New Zealand on eBay. The bidding reached $3,000 before eBay shut it down.

FUN Fact:
When you see a cat, slowly blink at it. If it blinks back, the cat is content with you.

FUN Fact:
A person with damage to the right brain hemisphere can develop a "joke addiction," - a compulsive need to constantly make and tell jokes.

FUN Fact:
Applying vodka on your face cleanses the skin, tightens pores and can prevent acne breakouts.

FUN Fact:
Avocados are toxic to almost every other animal except humans.

FUN Fact:
Iceland's population is so small that an Icelandic company has created an anti-incest app to prevent Icelanders from dating their relatives.

FUN Fact:
Farting helps reduce high blood pressure and is good for your health.

FUN Fact:
The television was invented before sliced bread.

FUN Fact:
There's a species of fish named the "slippery dick."

FUN Fact:
New York is the most destroyed city in movie history.

FUN Fact:
The word "listen" has the same letters as the word "silent".

FUN Fact:
Charlie Chaplin once won third prize in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest.

FUN Fact:
You're the only person who's heard everything you've ever said.

FUN Fact:
Brad Pitt is related to Barack Obama. They are ninth cousins.

FUN Fact:
Laughing lowers stress hormones and strengthens the immune system by releasing health-enhancing hormones.

FUN Fact:
Sir Isaac Newton died a virgin.

FUN Fact:
In 1984, New Zealand's Prime Minister Robert Muldoon got drunk and spontaneously called for a general election - he lost.

FUN Fact:
You're more likely to be killed by a vending machine related accident than to win the lottery.

FUN Fact:
It's ok and "I'm fine" are the two most common lies spoken in the world.

FUN Fact:
If you sneeze while driving at 60 mph, you may travel 50 feet with your eyes closed, according to a study.

FUN Fact:
There are more chickens than people in the world.

FUN Fact:
A man is more likely to get a woman’s phone number if he is accompanied by a dog.

FUN Fact:
Sex is the safest tranquilizer in the world, it is ten times more effective than Valium.

FUN Fact:
Koalas sleep for 22 hours a day.

FUN Fact:
Ice Cream actually makes your body warmer due to the fat content.

FUN Fact:
When someone gives you advice, respond with "you're right" rather than "I know." You'll come across as being nicer.

FUN Fact:
At a restaurant wash your hands after ordering. The menu is generally the dirtiest thing you can touch!

FUN Fact:
For one moment in time, you were the youngest person in the world.

FUN Fact:
J.K. Rowling was the first person to ever become a billionaire from writing books.

FUN Fact:
Neil Armstrong had to fill an immigration form while coming back to the earth from the moon.

FUN fact:
In the Netherlands, workers can be absent for up to two years while receiving 70% of their salary as sick pay.

Research has shown that people are happiest at 7:26pm on Saturday evening.

FUN Fact:
Drinking a banana milkshake can help cure a hangover.

FUN Fact:
It's illegal to own 6 or more dildos in Texas.

FUN Fact:
Some penguins are prostitutes – Offering sex in exchange for pebbles.

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