Mystical Jokes: Unleashing the enchantment of laughter.

Laughing at the unexplained, because humor is our magic.

Why did the psychic go to therapy?
She had too many medium problems.

Mystery is like a mirage, the closer we get to it, the further it seems to slip away.

The greatest mystery of all is why people think they need to solve every mystery.

Mysterious Jokes meme.
Mysterious Jokes meme.

Weird never felt so funny.
- Updated: 2024-10-17.

  1. Uncovering the secrets of laughter, one mystical joke at a time.

  2. Why do werewolves not enter the Olympics? Too much chance of a silver medal.

    Once I almost dated a psychic girl, but she left me before we even met!

    Her: are you a dog person?
    Me: Werewolves aren't real, Karen.

    Bought a boomerang off a ghost,
    hope it doesn't come back to haunt me.

    What is a ghost's favourite exercise?

  3. Enter the realm of laughter and mystery with Mystical Jokes.

  4. What restaurants are vampires terrified to eat at?

    Stake Houses.

    I almost had a psychic girlfriend once. But she left me before we met.

    My mate tried to show off his fortune telling skills.
    He wasn't that good.
    Actually he was medium.

    I knew the psychic was phony the moment they took my check.

    A huge article just appeared featuring Dracula's lifestyle in Daily Mail…
    And yet he didn't appear in The Mirror or The Sun…

  5. Casting spells of laughter with our mystical punchlines.

  6. There could be a ghost aggressively breakdancing next to you right now, and you'd have no idea.

    So I went to the doctors this morning...
    I said to the receptionist: "I need to see a doctor because I've had a voodoo curse put on me".
    "Which doctor?" she asked.
    "Yes, he will do.", I said.

    I spent my whole life being proud of my heritage, until I found out that my great grandfather was actually from Transylvania...
    Now I can’t even look myself in the mirror.

    Reincarnation party next week. Come as you were.

    The Bermuda Triangle used to be called the Bermuda Rectangle until one of the corners mysteriously disappeared.

  7. Unlocking the comedic magic of the mystical world.

  8. Why is it easy to buy clothes for psychics?

    Because they're all medium.

    To all the Psychics out there. You know what I think about you.

    Q. What is it called when one ghost consumes another ghost?
    A. Canni-boo-lism.

    Ghost hunters never find ghosts because the ghosts keep ghosting them ghostily.

    I went to an acupuncturist and when I got home my voodoo doll was dead.

  9. Mystical Jokes: When levity meets sorcery.

  10. Two psychics meet on the street. One says "lovely weather at the moment". The other says, "yes, reminds me of the summer of 2022".

    When I was young I used to think I was a werewolf. But I am all right NHOOOOOOOW.

    I met a time travelling lycan yesterday...he was a when-wolf!

    Spoke to some scientists who were studying the odder aspects of fog. They were mystified.

    Two vampires got married, but they were always at each other's throats.

  11. Where wizards and jesters collide: Mystical Jokes.

  12. A man walks into a magic forest and tries to cut down a talking tree. "You can't cut me down," the tree complains. "I'm a talking tree!" The man responds, "You may be a talking tree, but you will dialogue.

    What’s Dracula’s favourite type of coffee? Decoffinated.

    Where did young Dracula go, to learn how to write?


    I don't believe in astrology. I am a Sagittarius and we're very skeptical.
    ~ Warren Tantum...

    If Mediums can communicate with the dead, imagine what a Large can do...

  13. Harnessing the power of chuckles through mystical realms.

  14. My grandfather would talk to ghosts who’d tell him what size clothes to wear, he was a medium.

    When I was a kid I slept with a nightlight... to keep away monsters who were scared of small, low wattage light bulbs.

    Anything is more interesting if it’s haunted.

    Ghosts like to ride in elevators because it lifts their spirits.

    I've sold my Crystal Ball.
    I couldn't see any Future in it.
    And I'm not a Medium any more, I'm a Large..

  15. Mystical Jokes: Where laughing potions are brewed.

  16. Large crystal ball for sale. £50, but you will haggle me down to £35.

    My dad just asked me, “Do you believe in ghosts?” Bit of a daft question seeing as he’s been dead ten years.

    You do realise that Vampires aren't real...
    Unless you Count Dracula.

    What do you call the ghost
    of a chicken?

    A poultry-geist!

    Son: Dad is our house haunted?
    Dad: May be, but Im not sure.
    Son: But the maid told me last night ghosts are not real
    Dad: Run, we dont have a maid.

More mystical, mysterious and esoteric jokes on the following pages...

SEE also - CULT, FANTASY and MAGIC Jokes - hilarious fantastic collection to make you laugh:

Why did the wizard join a cult? Because he wanted to add a little magic to his religious experience! Brace yourself for a divine dose of humor that will leave you spellbound and laughing out loud. Whether you're a believer or not, these jokes are sure to cast a spell on your funny bone. So grab your wand, put on your wizard hat, and get ready for a heavenly dose of laughter!