Tech Geek Jokes: Embrace Your Inner Geek and Laugh at Yourself!

Tickle your nerdy side!

"Geeks are the real rockstars of our generation. They may not have groupies, but they definitely have the power to change the world."

- Kim Kardashian

Geeky Technical Jokes meme.
Geeky Technical Jokes meme.

Weird never felt so funny.
- Updated: 2024-09-18.

1. Laugh Out Loud with Daily Nerd Humor on 'Tech Geek Jokes'.

How much do you have to wind up or annoy glass before it is tempered? 🤔

How much do you have to wind up or annoy glass before it is tempered? 🤔

The other day I saw a pigeon and a blackbird sitting on a tv aerial in peace and harmony.
I thought why can’t two men live like that.
Then I realised that a tv aerial couldn’t take their weight.

If I am stopped for
speeding in my Tesla !
Will I be charged ?

What happened when the two phones fell in love?

They became engaged.

So I went to buy a watch, and the man in the shop said "Analogue." I said "No, just a watch."

I just petitioned a group of physicists to change the symbol used for the Ohm to something different.
I was met with some resistance.

I was once attacked by a camera.
I still get flashbacks.

She was so clueless that she called a plumber when she heard about a security leak!

I use to be into ham radio
but all I heard was crackling.

My friend claims he can print a Gun using his 3D Printer. I’m not impressed.

I’ve had a Canon printer for years.

Imagine how cool it would be if the Sun switched over to LED.

If you've ever lost your iPhone, take solace in the thought that maybe - just maybe - some mouse family now has a flat-screen TV.

What should a man call a wink from his wife?
Wife eye connection.

What does the dentist call x-rays?
Tooth pics.

2. Because being a geek isn't just a hobby, it's a way of life – and we're here to make it even more amusing.

What did Yoda say when he saw himself in 4K?

Bill and Melinda Gates just announced their divorce after 27 years of marriage. Unfortunately, she was tired of him being in the Office365 days a year, but at least he’ll have a new Outlook in life.

If I had a time machine I'd go back to 900 A.D. and just scare the crap out of people with an electric toothbrush.

What do you call an apology letter written in dots and dashes?
Remorse code.

This morning, I lifted a sack full of electric bulbs
They were so light.

Microwaves be like.
Here's your hot bowl of cold spaghetti you fat fuck.

Microwaves be like.
Here's your hot bowl of cold spaghetti you fat fuck.

CPR is the human version of blowing in to a video game cartridge hoping it'll work again.

These "energy saving" light-bulbs are bullshit.
They take just as much effort to screw in as the ordinary ones!

What's the most popular computer in Scandinavia ? The Lapp top .

One electrician's behavior was awful! He was reVolting!

Batteries are pre-paid electricity.
The cost per kWh is insane $80.

I'd kill for a microwave that plays Europe's “The Final Countdown” during the last 30 seconds.

I have an unexplainable irrational fear of over-engineered buildings.
It's a complex-complex complex.

A router goes to see the doctor, and the doctor asks, "What seems to be the problem?"

The router replies "It hurts when IP".

3. Tech Geek Jokes: Where Nerds Unite for Hilarious Quips!

I just changed my computer login password to “Alcatraz” and now the “Esc” button won’t work.

Note to self: don’t set your password reminder as “you should know this”.

All these years of technological developments and I still haven’t seen a color photo of a panda or a zebra.

I wonder if my Vets receptionist realises how many peoples passwords she knows.

I was wondering why monitors sleep and keyboards don't. Then it occurred to me that keyboards have two SHIFTS.

A vicar, a priest, and a rabbit walk into a bar.
Landlord asks the rabbit, “ what would you like to drink”?
“ I’ve no idea “ he says,
“ I’m only here because of predictive txt “......

I hired a landscape Gardner to help with my garden.
He said he couldn't help as my garden is portrait.

I played the USSR national anthem on my Lenovo laptop.

Now it's a Leninovo.

If you are not meant to drink WD40 why does it come with a straw?

A man calls his son in to help him sort out something on his computer.
The son sits down looks at it and within a minute has solved the problem.
His dad says “wow that was quick what was the problem?”
The son says “it was just an Id ten t issue.”
What’s that? Asks dad, so the son writes it down for him and leaves.

I asked a train engineer how many times his train had derailed. He said, "I'm not sure, it's hard to keep track."

What’s an electrician’s favourite ice cream flavour? Shock a lot.

Have you heard the new rap group of computer geeks? They are called Run DLL.

I'm at that age when I click directly on the "Forgot password" button without even trying it once.

When Alexander Graham Bell invented the first telephone it didn’t work. It wasn’t until he invented the second telephone that he had any success.

4. Because geeks need a place to let their pocket protectors down and have a good laugh.

I made the symbols on my desk top larger.
Icon see clearly now!

Someone just asked me when the clocks go forward?
I said, All the time!

How did the computer eat its supper?

In megabytes.

What do you get if you cross a parrot with a pigeon? Voice mail.

The same people that made fun of me for my calculator watch in high school are now wearing Apple watches.

Emotional unit of measurement?

Where can you weigh a whale?
At a whale-weigh station.

My friend claims he can print a gun using a 3D printer. I'm not impressed, I've had a Canon printer for years.

I'll bet the guy who invented the snooze button never invented anything else.

I asked an electrician to fix an electrical issue at my house.
He Refused.

Good news: I finally got my computer connected to the wireless printer.
Bad news: Not sure which house I need to go to get my documents.

Introverts are like a slow website. They might be coolest website but usually people don’t wait that long for them to open.

Why doesn't Cookie Monster have good privacy?
He always accepts the cookies.

What did the HTML coding dog say?

Href Href!


More Tech Geek Jokes - Very Geeky Humor on the following pages...

SEE also - INTELLECTUAL Jokes Galore - intelligent humor compilation for those who understand:

From witty one-liners to thought-provoking quotes, we've got it all covered with our clever and intelligent takes on humor. Whether you're a scholar or just someone who loves a good mental challenge, we guarantee you'll find something to tickle your intellect on our page. So get ready to exercise your brain and your funny bone, and enjoy our collection of intellectual jokes and quotes!