The delightful mix of geekiness and humor.
These jokes are like lines of code that tickle your funny bone and make you burst into fits of laughter faster than a bug-free program.
So, if you're ready to embark on a journey of laughter and tech-related humor, join the club and indulge in the wonderful world of programmer jokes.

Weird never felt so funny.
- Updated:
1. Entering a secret club where binary becomes the new language of comedy.
I have a HTTP joke but it is not secure. 😀
Q: What did the spider do on the computer?
A: Made a website!
Q. What's an astronaut's favorite social media website?
A. MySpace.
I have an HTTP joke, if I POST it you cannot GET it.
- Three biggest achievements of computer science?
- Turing machine, StackOverflow and syntax highlighting.
How does a computer learn new things?
Bit by bit.
Apparently, you can not use "beef stew" as a password.
It's not stroganoff.
How does a cowboy start his day?
He reboots.
What's an astronaut's favorite part of a computer?
The space bar.
How did the owner of an Apple computer store feel after he was robbed?
He was iRate!
The moment I saw her from a distant point, her beauty caught my attention, I immediately got an idea on how to fix that BUG.
My keyboard was malfunctioning this morning. There was a spider on it. I think it’s under control now.
My mind is like my internet browser.
At least 19 open tabs..3 are frozen & I have no idea where the music is coming from.
My motherboard died some days ago, oh all the great memories. Rest in PC.
yeah sex is cool and all but have you ever written a script that worked perfectly on your first try?
2. Witnessing a symphony of nerdy wit.
Had to reset my password. Minimum eight characters.
I chose Snow White and the seven dwarfs.
Just bought a wooden computer. Having trouble logging on.
I haven't seen a lot of programming languages but I think python is pretty Intelligent
Cause it has a lot of libraries🤔
You don't need math to be good at programming
(And other hilarious jokes you can tell yourself )
What's the object oriented way to become wealthy?
I called tech support and said I was having trouble finding a good app for writing essays. The guy said “Word.” OK, I’m glad he sympathizes, but it doesn’t answer my question.
We should change the HTTP status code for not found from 404 to 2020.
- Is it true that God created computers?
- Yes. But it’s the devil who wrote the software.
I wonder if British websites use biscuits?
2020 divided by 5 is 404, so the whole year is an error and now we have a virus. 😎
What do you call an IT teacher who touches his students?
A PDF file! 📁
A programmer pushes a stroller through the park. An elderly couple comes along: “Is it a boy or a girl?”
The programmer replies, “Yes.”
A computer science student is studying under a tree and another pulls up on a flashy new bike. The first student asks, “Where’d you get that?”
The student on the bike replies, “While I was studying outside, a beautiful girl pulled up on her bike. She took off all her clothes and said, “You can have anything you want.””
The first student responds, “Good choice! Her clothes probably wouldn’t have fit you.”
"Code never lies, comments sometimes do."
- Ron Jeffries
The opposite of Microsoft Office is Macrohard Onfire.
3. The perfect blend of wit and geekiness.
My grandad asked me how to print on his computer.
I told him it’s Ctrl-P. He says he hasn’t been able to do that for ages. 👴
There was a spider on my keyboard. It's under control now.
Google so useless I searched for a lighter and I got 2000 matches 😁
Teacher: what's more dangerous than a nuclear bomb explosion?
Me: hacking stack over flow and disable copy paste 😣
Our new I.T. guy at the office was born in Australia.
I just had to ask him; "Do you come from the LAN down under?" 🖥
What do you call a code file without any text sections in it?
No strings attached.
- How first user of C died?
- struct by_lighting.
HTML(How to marry a lady) 😎
if Apple made a car would it have Windows? 😉
- Do programmers stay in hell for eternity?
- No. Only until they write good documentation for they code. 💻
What do you call a snake that is approximately 3.14 feet long?
A πthon
My IT guy just asked, "How does a computer get drunk?"
It takes screen shots. 🥃
If anyone gets a message from me about canned meat, don’t open it.
It’s spam. 🤳
- What do you mean by Java is an island?
- It is above the C level...💻
Pollution so low that I can see the data stored in the clouds. 💾
4. The binary ballet that only the tech-savvy truly appreciate.
Spiders are the only web developers who are happy to find bugs.
I started a band called 999 Megabytes.
We still haven’t got a gig.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world: Those that understand binaries and those that don't.
I Googled, "Lost medieval servant boy”
and got 404, “page not found."
Why do programmers prefer dark mode ?
Because, light attracts bugs!