150+ jokes about jokes that will make your day !

Random joke about joke:

Stop with the air conditioner jokes.
I’m not a fan.

Jokes about Jokes meme.
Jokes about Jokes meme.

Weird never felt so funny.
- Updated: 2024-10-17.

Selected jokes about jokes:

Last night, I changed a lightbulb, crossed a road, walked into a bar and chatted with an Englishman, a Scotsman and an Irishman.
That’s when I realised my entire life is a joke....

What did the Goat say to his son when he told a bad joke ?
“You’ve got to be

A traveling salesman broke down near a farmhouse.
He goes to the door and the farmer says, "You can stay the night, but don't be touching my handsome, young sons."
The salesman groans, "Ohhh... I'm in the wrong joke."

Wife: “Why don’t you write a book instead of your stupid word play jokes?”

Me: “That’s a novel idea.”

More jokes about jokes...

I hear there's a fairy tale princess who actually knows quite a few dad jokes.
It's RaPUNzel.

I have an IKEA joke but I’m still putting it together.

Sorry to anyone who felt my joke about herbs and fish was inappropriate.
I realise there’s a thyme and a plaice for these things...

I'm working on a joke about constructing a theatre.
It's in the building stage.

Did you hear the joke about the bed?
I haven't made it yet!

You: "I hate oyings."
Me: "What is an oying?"
You: "Your jokes"

I made a really cheesy pun about quesadillas the other day.

I've got a joke about the mail, its first class.

I think i've told enough boat jokes for now, i don't want to go overboard

I had a tree pun but I had to leaf..

Oil jokes are just a form of crude humour

Why shouldn't you tell jokes on a frozen lake? It might crack up.

Anyone know any football jokes? I’ll, er, kick it off.

I'm fed up with food puns.

I actually know quite a few jokes in sign language, and I can guarantee no one’s ever heard them before …

I told an offensive joke last time I performed Comedy in Croatia.
The audience were Split.

I tried to come up with a clever joke about a souffle.....
..... But it fell flat.

I'd like to tell a clock joke but i'm too wound up at the minute.

A pun has not completely matured until it is full groan.

I used to have a few jokes about pairs of matching socks but I've lost one.

I would tell you a leech joke, but it would suck anyway!!!

I often make Castration jokes,
willy nilly.

I have a joke about a flat tire, but I’ll spare you from it.

I was going to make a joke about The Beatles but I figured I’d Let ItBe.

I have a nihilistic joke
But who cares?

It’s hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs because they always take things literally.

My boss always laughed at my jokes at work but since the pandemic she never laughs at them in Zoom chats. I asked her why doesn't she laugh at them anymore.

She replied, "Because your jokes aren't remotely funny."

I have a joke about a broken clock, but it’s not the right time.

My Uncle Artie is always making funny vegetable puns.
I love Artie jokes.

I could tell a wheel joke, but it's tired.

Did you hear the joke about paper? It’s tearable!

A traveling salesman broke down near a farmhouse.
He goes to the door and the farmer says, "You can stay the night, but don't be touching my handsome, young sons."
The salesman groans, "Ohhh... I'm in the wrong joke."

Two clowns are eating a cannibal. One turns to the other and says
“I think we got this joke wrong”

I wanted to post a pun about loans but y'all will lose interest.

My friend sent me a joke in the mail, took me a couple of days to get it 🙂

I'd tell you the joke about two tropical birds stuck together but its toucan fusing.

I'd tell you a joke about oil but it's rather crude, and I know you all have a more refined sense of humor.

I've got some great jokes about my kids being adopted.
But I can never find a good time to tell them.

I know a joke about Easter, but it's wholly weak.

An Englishman,an Irishman,a Scotsman and a doctor went into a pub.
The doctor said, ‘I’m awfully sorry, but I seem to be in the wrong joke.’

Herb jokes are told from thyme to thyme.

I'm fed up with food jokes.

What do you call a Princess who tells jokes?


A serious and good philosophical work could be written consisting entirely of jokes.

—Ludwig Wittgenstein

Wife: “Why don’t you write a book instead of your stupid word play jokes?”

Me: “That’s a novel idea.”

In hell, everyone explains your joke.

My multiplication joke never seems to work.
I've tried it four times too.

I'm so lazy when telling jokes

Think I may become a sit-down comedian.

I got criticized about a steak joke I made, I guess it wasn't well done.

I'd tell you an abdomen joke, but I have no stomach for it.

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From witty one-liners to thought-provoking quotes, we've got it all covered with our clever and intelligent takes on humor. Whether you're a scholar or just someone who loves a good mental challenge, we guarantee you'll find something to tickle your intellect on our page. So get ready to exercise your brain and your funny bone, and enjoy our collection of intellectual jokes and quotes!