Literature Jokes: Laugh Your Way Through Classic Tales.

Laugh Your Way into Literature.

"I don't read books. I'm too busy writing them."

- Stephen King

Literature Jokes meme.
Literature Jokes meme.

Weird never felt so funny.
- Updated: 2024-09-15.

1. For Bookworms with a Sense of Humor!

I'm reading a book called 'There's a hole in my bucket!'
By Lee King.

If anyone wants to enrich their wealth, please get a copy of the new book on finance out on the market called "HOW TO MAKE MONEY FAST by ROBIN BANKS.

FUN Fact:
J.K. Rowling was the first person to ever become a billionaire from writing books.

Poetry is the art of saying let’s fuck without saying let’s fuck.

Fan (?): "I read your new book. Who wrote it for you?"
Author: "Who read it to you?"

2. Join the Funniest Book Club Ever!

Kinda rude that books come in volumes when librarians hate sound.

Great Eggspectations. A classic novel by Charles Chickens.

I like reading books with female protagonists. I’m a heroine addict.

Reading this fabulous book called “The Irish Dentist” by Perry O’Donnel. Forward by Ginger Vitis.

What is Daniel Defoe's favorite day of the week? Friday.

3. Don't judge a book by its cover - judge it by its jokes on Literature Jokes.

I just got done reading a book about podiatry. The footnotes were incredible

Reading is like being in the shower.
Don't wanna start and don't wanna stop.

I was raised by books. Books, and then my parents.
- Elon Musk

Did I tell you all I have a book coming out soon.??.

Really shouldn't have eaten it in the first place ..

I'm sure I saw the Hunchback of Notre Dame yesterday...

If it wasn't him, it was a dead ringer.

4. Get lit with Literature Jokes: the funniest way to appreciate literature.

I bought a book about the dangers of deforestation.
The first page says, “You’re not helping!”

People say that life is the thing, but I prefer reading.

Just bought Joan of Arc’s autobiography. I managed to get a singed copy.

I asked the librarian where the books on engine lubricants were.

She told me they were in the non-friction section.

I just read a book about Stockholm Syndrome. It was pretty bad at first, but in the end I kind of liked it.

5. Because laughter is the best plot twist.

Dad listen, I'm Sherlock Holmes new sidekick.

You're what son?

I've just finished reading the dictionary.
Turns out the zebra did it.

I visited Charles Dickens house of
His kitchen spice rack had the best of thymes and the worst of thymes.

I've been patiently waiting to get a book on how to commit suicide from the library but the last guy still hasn't brought it back.

I saw a list of 100 books you must read before you die, so as long as I avoid reading them I’ll live forever.

6. Literature Jokes: Where classics and comedy collide.

How does Winnie-the-Pooh open his honey pots? With his BEAR hands.

A pencil has been discovered that may have been one that Shakespeare actually used. Historians cannot yet confirm if it a 2B or not 2B.

How many crime writers does it take to change a light bulb? Only one, but it has to have a really good twist at the end.

A Poet and a Philosopher walk into a bar ; after 4 Martini's there was no longer any rhyme nor reason to the evening,...🍸

In re-reading 'The House of Seven Gables' for the 10th time, I still don't find Clark's name mentioned anywhere!

7. Because books are better with a side of jokes.

I'm writing a book about all the things I should be doing.
It's my oughtobiography.

I think Peter Pan was Dutch, he was from the Neverland.

Notice how writers don’t rewrite books, how about we stop remaking movies.

Just finished reading, “I Shall Return,” by B. Wright Bach.

One of Shakespeare's original pencils is going up for auction. Problem is its very chewed, so nobody can tell if its 2b or not 2b.

8. Literature Jokes: For those who appreciate a good literary punchline.

A guy published a book on how to create the ultimate basement.
He hopes it will be a best cellar.

Husband:Are you ready yet love? We need to leave now if we’re going to be on time to see Les Miserables.
Wife: I’m coming dear, and I really wish you wouldn’t refer to our visits to my parents like that Pierre!!

Shakespeare wrote all his plays with a pencil not sure if it was 2B or not 2B.

Last year, I wrote a book on penguins.

In retrospect, paper would have been easier.

To make a long story short, I only read part of it.

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