A mental game of ping pong.
Participating in a Q&A is like playing a game of verbal hide-and-seek, where the truth is the sought-after prize and evasion is the name of the game.

Weird never felt so funny.
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A whirlwind of witty inquiries and clever retorts.
The only thing funnier than the questions themselves are the surprising answers that follow.
When it comes to Q&A jokes, the laughter is always in the response.
Have your mind twisted and tickled by a series of puzzling questions and uproarious answers.
Q: Why do dogs lick their balls?
A: Because they can.
Q: So why do they stick their noses in women’s crotches?
A: Same reason.
Q:Why do gas prices hurt so bad?
A:Because it’s PROPANE.
Q: What are a chocolate bar's preferred pronouns?
A: Her/She!
Q: What do you call a rash caused by a nickel necklace?
A: Chain reaction.
Q: Why did the well digger quit?
A: He got tired of the hole boring business.
Q:What did the vampire say to the school girl?
A: See you next period.
Q. What do you call it when there’s no Internet in Russia?
A. Internet.
Q:What do a double hinged gate and a bisexual have in common?
A:They swing both ways.
Q: How do you make a hormone?
A: Don't pay her.
Q: What is the difference between a stripper and a bungee cord?
A: It is cheap fast, and if the rubber breaks, your pretty much screwed.
Q:How are strippers like giants?
A:they both grind bones to make bread.
Q:What’s the difference between a Realtor and a Mortgage Broker?
A:The Mortgage Broker knows he’s boring.
Q: Did you hear about the statistician who was thrown in jail?
A: He now has zero degrees of freedom.
Q: What has 4 letters, sometimes has 9 letters and occasionally has 12 letters?
A: The mailman.
Q: What do you call a turkey on the day after Thanksgiving?
A: Lucky.
Q: What give ballerinas their energy?
A: Batterie power.
Q: Why did the ballet dancer stop arguing with her instructor?
A: He had a fair pointe….
Q: Why did the spy cross the road?
A: Because he was never on your side.
Q: Why was the Viking ship so cheap?
A: It was on sail.
Q: What does every Viking do on their birthday?
A: They get older!
Q: How do Vikings get each other's attention?
A: They ValHolla!
Q: How much does the average introvert weigh?
A: Not enough to break the ice.
Q: How to spot an introvert in a crowd ?
A: Please don't.
Q: How do you kill an introvert?
A: Starve him to death by putting another person in the kitchen.
Q: Why did an introvert become an astronaut?
A: He needed his space.
Q: What is a group of introverts called?
A: An oxymoron!
Q: What do a handgrenade and a housewife have in common?
A: Once you pull the ring your house is gone.
Q: How does the Prague mafia mark its territory?
A: With a Czech mark.
Q: What do you call a sheep that torments other animals?
A: A wooly bully.
Q: How rare is it for a cow to be struck by lightning?
A: Medium Rare.
Q: What’s the difference between a jeweller and a prison officer?
A: One sells watches, the other watches cells.
Q: Where was Noah when the lights went out?
A: In d'ark.
Q:Why are dragons such good story tellers?
A:They have very impressive tails.
Q: Where does a killer whale go for braces?
A: The orca-dontist.
Q: When do cannibals leave the table?
A: When everyone's eaten.
Q: Why couldn't the kindergarten teacher see in the dark?
A: She has tiny pupils.
Q: How are false teeth like stars?
A: They come out at night!
Q: How many sheep does it take to make a sweater?
A: Depends how many in the flock can knit.
Q: What do you get when you cross a lollipop with a couple of rabbits?
A: A sucker born every minute.
Q: Who's the most popular male at a nudist colony?
A: The one who can carry a cup of coffee in each hand and a dozen doughnuts.
Q: What does everyone need & never take?
A: Advice.
Q: Why did the PowerPoint Presentation cross the road?
A: To get to the other slide.
Q: My wife is five months pregnant and so moody that sometimes she’s borderline irrational.
A: So what’s your question?
Q: What is the most reliable method to determine a baby’s sex?
A: Childbirth.
Q: Where do werewolves buy Christmas gifts?
A: Beast Buy.
Q: What Spanish body part is needed to play a violin?
A: El bow.
Q. Where did the baseball keep its lemonade.
A. In the pitcher.
Q: Why did the quarterback take the hardest classes?
A: Because he knew he would pass.
Q: What’s a ballerina’s favorite type of bread?
A: A bun.
Q: What should you wear to a tea party?
A: A t-shirt.
Q: Why did the Genie get mad?
A: Because he was rubbed the wrong way.
Q: Where does a sink go dancing?
A: The Dish-co.
Q: What’s a princess’s favorite time?
A: Knight time.
Q: Where is the best place to sit when a submarine is diving?
A: Inside.
Q: Where do rabbits learn to fly?
A: The Hare Force
Q. What’s the middle peddle on a piano do?
A. It separates the other two.
Q: How do you cure water on the brain?
A: With a tap on the head.
Q. How do you know if a woman used a vibrator while she was pregnant?
A. The kid stutters.
Q: What season is it when you’re on a trampoline?
A: Springtime!
Q. why did the hedgehog cross the road?
A. To see his flat mate