Where Sarcasm Meets Hilarity.
Sarcasm: the ability to insult idiots without them realizing it.

Weird never felt so funny.
- Updated:
Caution: Heavy Dose of Sarcasm Ahead.
When Words Bite Back: Sarcastic Jokes Galore.
Join the League of Sarcastic Wit.
Explore the Art of Sarcastic Comedy.
Sarcastic Jokes: Because sometimes, the truth hurts.
Sarcastic Jokes: For when you need a good laugh, but don't want to be too nice.
Sarcasm: The language of the intelligent.
Sarcastic Jokes: Because Sarcasm is Our Second Language.
Coworker: Do you know Juan?
Me: Be more specific. I'm Puerto Rican. We all know Juan 🇵🇷
Some people are like clouds
When they fuck off its a nice day. 😎
I've been married long enough to know that when my wife says 'I love you', she is talking to the dog 🐕
I married Miss Right.
I just didn’t know her first name was “Always”.
Why do men die before their wives?
They want to.
Having sex with a depressed person is necrophilia. Cause we're dead inside. 😉
Sometimes they don't love you, They love how you love them.
I am always right! I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.
Light travels faster than sound, which is why people like you appear bright—until they open their mouths.
I can totally keep secrets. It’s the people I tell them to who can’t.
I hate it when I go to hug someone really sexy and my face smashes right into the mirror.🤗
This post is on a laughter break. Stay tuned for some hilariously creative content!
This post is on a laughter break. Stay tuned for some hilariously creative content!
This post is on a laughter break. Stay tuned for some hilariously creative content!
This post is on a laughter break. Stay tuned for some hilariously creative content!
This post is on a laughter break. Stay tuned for some hilariously creative content!
This post is on a laughter break. Stay tuned for some hilariously creative content!