Weird Jokes: Bizarre Humor for Adventurous Minds.

Step into a world of eccentric humor.

"I'm weird, and I'm proud of it. And if you're not weird, then you're not cool."

- Justin Timberlake

Bizarre Jokes meme.
Bizarre Jokes meme.

Weird never felt so funny.
- Updated: 2025-03-27.

  1. Always ready to surprise you with their offbeat sense of humor.

  2. Do you know what is the worst part about being an egg?
    You get laid only once.

    You know why ladies don't wear mini skirts in the winter?
    Cause they'll get chapped lips

    I was informed about a documentary on Netflix about the clitoris
    I couldn’t find it.

    I just found out you can get Botox for your ballsack to get all the wrinkles out.
    Pretty nuts, right?

    If women had apostrophes instead of periods they’d be a lot more possessive.

    You know what catches my eye... Short People with umbrellas .

    What do you call a sex scene between two trans people?


    Some people say it is hard being a hostage. I could do it with my hands tied behind my back.

    I was engaged to a boy with a wooden leg.
    I got angry and broke it off.

    What do you get if you dip your balls in ice cream?
    Brain freeze.

  3. Step right up to the carnival of absurdity.

  4. "Babe is it in?" "Yea." "Does it hurt?" "Uh huh." "Let me put it in slowly." "It still hurts." "Okay, let's try another shoe size."

    Why is the ocean so angry?
    You'd be angry too if you had crabs all over your bottom......:-)

    "First learn the meaning of what you say, and then speak."
    ― Epictetus

    I don't know about you guys. But I would never work in a tampon factory, PERIOD!

    What do you call the testicles of a peacock? His peanuts.

    If I'm holding a cricket ball in each hand, what do I have?

    A really huge cricket.

    I dreamt last night that I knighted a fish...

    it was Sir eel.

    Every time you light a lighter, your lighter gets lighter until your lighter gets so light it won't light.

    Me: Are You Bi ?
    Her: Yeah, i am.
    Me: Have you told your parents ?
    Her: Yes. Why are you asking ?
    Me: That must’ve taken them.. bi surprise.

    What's the similarity between a camera and a condom?
    They're both used to catch those special moments.

  5. Weird jokes are the black sheep of comedy, the rebel rousers of humor that refuse to conform to the norm.

  6. Why did the naked man take the elevator?
    He couldn't take the stares.

    What did the elephant say to a naked man in a zoo?
    Hey that's cute but can you breath through it?

    What do bisexuals say when they separate?
    Bi bi.

    Pros & Cons of making kids...


    What do you call a superhero with a bad sense of direction? Wander Woman.

    They say the first thirty minutes are always the hardest in a nudist colony.

    A boy to his dad: "What's polygamy?"
    "Go ask your mothers", he said.

    Why should you never fight Destiny?
    Because then you will have to fight the bouncers, and every other stripper in the club.

    How much does a midget stripper with three kids get paid?
    Mini-mom wage.

    I tried to give myself a sex change, but couldn't quite pull it off.

  7. The dose of twisted humor and belly laughs that make you go 'huh?'.

  8. I wouldn’t kill so many house plants if they would just learn to scream for food and water like my kids and pets do.

    The Police just left. Apparently, I AM allowed to walk around my house naked.
    HOWEVER, I have to do it inside.

    I think a polygamist just asked me to marry him. I bet I just didn’t harem right.

    I told everyone at work that I have a twin so that when I see them in public I won't have to talk to them.

    Why do tampons have strings?

    So the crabs can bunkee jump!

    Jack had a stable relationship with his horse. No nagging problems at all.

    It’s always awkward the first time you hold hands with someone... because they usually want to know who you are and why you just grabbed them.

    I asked a guy at the station when the next train was coming?

    He said Have a look online!

    I said Thats kinda dangerous isnt it?

    I was reprimanded at my job today at the sunscreen manufacturing plant when I asked for help. My supervisor said that I need to learn to apply myself.

    I was watching TV and an ad for a new wireless bra came on. I didn't know they were electric.

  9. Where Humor Takes a Twist: Get Your Daily Dose of Weird Jokes!

  10. I was a man stuck in a woman's body.
    Then I was born.

    Once I forgot to bring my ventriloquist dummy to a show and I had use a voodoo doll of myself.
    It was a pain in the hole.

    I have always licked my knife when I've finished. This gets some very shocked looks from the other surgeons.

    There was a brothel and the workers were all dwarfs. It was losing business though, as the main gigolo had an issue with premature ejactulation.
    I guess it was just a shortcoming.

    I called the premature ejaculation support group to find out what the dress code was.
    Apparently, most members just come in their pants.

    I often start a conversation with a girl by saying, "I just snorted cocaine off my foot."

    Cheesiest line ever.

    My inflatable house got a puncture last night.

    Now I'm living in a flat.

    Six more people have been hit over the head with aroma-free purple flowers. I am so tired of all the scentless violets these days.

    I went to a disco last night. They played The Twist, I did the Twist. They played Jump, I jumped. They played Come on Eileen...I got kicked out for that one.

    Q: Why did it take Thor so long to find his brother?
    A: He couldn’t Lokite him.

  11. Laugh Out Loud, the Odd Way: Join Us for a Dose of Weird Jokes!

  12. From this babysitter website , I selected this gorgeous 19 yr old Swedish exchange student who has an amazing rack to watch over my kid tonight .
    Does anyone have a baby or a toddler to spare for a few hours ?

    Rent a man a helicopter, he will fly for a day.
    Throw him off the flying helicopter and he will fly for the rest of his life ...

    I gave my Landlord an ear job to pay for rent this month.
    I've got to say it wasn't as bad as it sounds.

    "Hello, is this the anonymous FBI tip line?"
    "Yes, Dave."

    After the mailman was bitten in the crotch, he reported that a dog had stolen his package.

    I've had myself waxed 'down there'. my socks slide on real easy.

    Meat cutter: “I have Asperger’s.”
    Customer: “The syndrome?”
    Meat cutter: “No, you misunderstood. I said Ass Burgers, ground rump roast!”

    The Invisible Man lost a game in strip poker and no one even noticed.

    I lived with a beautiful woman for 8 months.....and then she found me in her closet.

    One of the Russian acrobats in our human pyramid group has been deported.
    We don't have Oleg to stand on .

  13. When Ordinary Just Won't Cut It: Indulge in Our Collection of Weird Jokes!

  14. I love putting on warm underwear fresh from the dryer, plus it’s fun to look around the laundromat and guess who they belong to…

    I sat in my haircutters chair and said “make me look sexy “.

    She started drinking.

    How much does a circumcisionist make?
    $25.00 an hour plus tips.

    I tried smelling mothballs once but I couldn't get their little legs apart.

    My New Years resolution is to give up sexual innuendos.
    Which is going to be extremely hard.

    I'm starting to wish I were a werewolf so I'd have a better reason for waking up nude in public with no memory of how I got there.

    My doctor said that I might die because I accidentally consumed clay.
    I’m shitting bricks to be honest.

    What’s the difference between Jelly and Jam?
    You can’t jelly a stick up someone’s ass !

    The worst feeling during a prostate exam is two hands on your shoulders.

    My lip balm is a great lubricant.

    ~Me, flirting

  15. Weirdness Galore: Get Ready to Giggle with Our Unconventional Jokes!

  16. Did you hear that McDonald’s is coming out with a McJackson burger? It’s a 50-year-old piece of meat in a 12-year-old bun.

    What's worse than 2 girls running with scissors?

    2 girls scissoring with the runs.

    "Is it true you have a pair of goosefeather pants?"
    "No, but occasionally my fly is down."

    I have the heart of a saint. Also a lifetime ban from the Vatican.

    "Throw your hands in the air like you just don't care!"

    How I lost my job at a prosthetics factory.

    Is it crazy how saying sentences backwards creates backwards sentences saying how crazy it is?

    If you bake, you’re a baker.
    If you bake a baker, you’re a murderer.

    I have an inferiority complex about my superiority complex.
    I know I'm better than you, but I feel really bad about it

    I will kiss you anywhere you want.
    Except in Belgium.

    I've found that nowadays most people don't like holding hands in public.
    Especially if you don't know them.

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They have been viewed so many times that they've practically become the unofficial currency of internet humor, making us wonder if we're all just living in a digital comedy club.