Jokes and Puns: Lighten up your day!

If laughter is the best medicine...

"I don't tell jokes to make people laugh. I tell them so they can see the deeper truth hidden within."

- George Carlin

Weird Joker

Get ready for a comedy extravaganza.

what outdoor game does Jekyll like?
Hyde and seek.

Feeling a bit paranoid recently? Look around you. You're not alone.

As a child I had ADHD, so my parents sent me to a week long program to help me focus. It was a concentration camp.

Who hides in the bathroom at parties?
The party pooper!

Why is it a bad idea to date a necrophiliac ? He just wants you for your body !

When asked why I became an artist I answered ‘I don’t know. I guess I was just drawn to it.’

Despite pressure to clean up their act, most dirtbags live in a vacuum.

Мудрец знает, что не стоит бояться будущего, ибо есть только настоящее; его-то и надо бояться.

A young woman went into a pet shop one morning and mumbled: “Do you sell large white bears?”
“No, I’m afraid we don’t,” said the sales assistant.
And the woman left.
The next day, she was back again, “Do you sell large white bears?” she asked.
“No I’m afraid we don’t,” said the same assistant.
And the woman left.
The next day she was back again. “Do you sell large white bears?” She asked.
“No we don’t,” said the assistant. “And this is the third day you’ve come in and asked me that.”
I’m so sorry,” said the young woman, “but I can’t help it. You see, I have buy polar disorder.”

Did you hear the one about the Polynesian nymphomaniac who kept longing for Samoa?

Where each joke is a sparkling gem of wit and humor.

What do you call a beaver that cannot build its house? A dam shame.

Черепашка - это уменьшительно-ласкательное от черепавел.

Writing a song about getting my front door lock replaced.
There's a lovely key change at the end.

If there was an award for the most skeptic person, the most skeptic person might not accept the award.

- А как называется эта фобия, когда боишься негров?
- Здравый смысл.

I tried tap dancing but kept falling in the bath.

An vegetable growing friend’s business has gone into liquidation. They make smoothies.

I ate a string of Christmas bulbs last night. It was a pretty light dinner.

They're making a 3rd film about Moses, it's Part C.

My wife is always accusing me of making stuff up,
I wouldn't mind but I'm not even married.

Jokes and puns are like treasure troves of laughter waiting to be explored!

Me: do you know what sin city is?
Friend: yeah, it's Las Vegas.
Me: do you know what den city is?
Friend: no
Me: it's mass over volume

Nowadays everyone has tables and chairs outside and they call it a patio.
We did that back in the 1950’s but we called it eviction.

DO YOU KNOW which 5 letter word becomes SHORTER when you ADD 2 letters to it? ..... short

REMEMBER that today is the tomorrow you were worried about yesterday...

A veces no hay próxima vez, no hay segundas oportunidades, a veces es ahora o nunca.

I sent a food parcel to my former wife, Fed Ex.

The art teacher challenged his students to draw a parrot, but no one could pass the Polly graph test.

What does Iron Man do before he takes a bath? He gets stark naked.

I thought growing old would take longer.

A “buttload” of underwear would be exactly one pair.

It's like stumbling upon a comedy gold mine.

There could be a ghost aggressively breakdancing next to you right now, and you'd have no idea.

"You have been charged with assaulting your wife with a fish," the judge said. "Do you have anything to say in your defense?"

"Yes," I replied, "It's cods wallop."!!!!

I was gonna spend today procrastinating, but I think I'll put it off til tomorrow.

So which Wright was the first Wright to write that he finally got it wright? Write? Wrong! Right.

wife: I just heard from our son in mime college.
me: always was a shitty student.

Teach a man to fish, but don't teach him to flounder.

“The measure of a man is what he does with power.’’
— Plato

My girlfriend and I met each other while running the London Marathon last year.
It was a long-distance relationship.

There’s a type of person who will take only one slice of pizza in case there isn’t enough for everyone, and a type who will take three slices for the same reason.

My boyfriend got bit in the forehead by a bee, he’s in the ER now. His face is all swollen and badly bruised. Luckily, I was close enough to hit the bee with my shovel!!!

Where puns are always intended and jokes are always hilarious.

At first I thought my yoga instructor was lying
Then I realized she was just stretching the truth.

If you kill a killer, the number of killer remains the same. So the trick is to kill the killer and then kill yourself.
Follow me for more algorithemic solutions.

If 6 is afraid of 7, because 7 ate 9, what is 7 afraid of??
Chuck Norris.

A friend has gone into business fixing car ignitions. It’s a start up.

A blue-green fish has been discovered in the waterways of Paris.
It's called a bass teal.

How do you count cows?
With a cowculator.

So this bloke was showing his mate his new golf ball.
He said, "This golf ball is state of the art!"
"You just can't lose this ball, if it goes in the rough it beeps, it glows in the dark, it floats in water and has an inbuilt G.P.S.."
His mate asked, "Where did you get it from?"
He said, "I Found it".

At an airport, one of my friends suggested we disguise ourselves as luggage. I said, "let's not get carried away".

A kid just asked me if I had a ruler.
"No, I am a free man", I said.

Interviewer: sir, how patient are you?
Me: I use 2G network.

Jokes and Puns: For when you need a good laugh.

Just bought a Fatboy Slim satnav.
Keeps saying right here right now.

Make it idiot-proof and someone will make a better idiot.

Анекдоты, в которых слово "6лять" очень трудно заменить на другое.
Лифт, последний этаж.
- Вам вниз?
- Нет, 6лять, вбок!
- Тёща, вам плита нужна?
- Газовая?
- Нет, 6лять, мраморная!
Две коровы на скотобойне. Одна обращается к другой:
- Скажите, а вы тут в первый раз?
- Нет, 6лять, во второй!
Приходит мужик в хозяйственный магазин:
- Дайте мне мыло и веревку.
- Вы что, повеситься хотите?
- Нет, 6лять, помоюсь - и в скалолазы!!!
Американец достаёт последнюю бутылку с водкой и говорит русскому:
- Will you?
- Я те, 6лять, вылью!!!
- Милый... у меня две полоски...
- Ты беременна?
- Нет, 6лять, я бурундучок!!!
- Свидетель, что вы делали 16 марта 2016 года в 11 часов 42 минуты?
- Я сидел в кресле с календарем в руках и смотрел, 6лять, на часы!
Железнодорожница спрашивает у бегущего за поездом и размахивающего руками мужика:
- Мужчина, вы что, на поезд опоздали?
- Нет, 6лять, я его с вокзала выгоняю!
Приходит мужик к врачу и высовывает маленький, маленький член. Врач смотрит и спрашивает:
- Жалуетесь?
- Нет 6лять, хвастаюсь!
- У меня хомяк умер.
- Что просто взял и умер?
- Нет, 6лять, со спецэффектами!
Подходит на рынке мужик к бабке, которая торгует картошкой:
- Бабушка, у Вас картошка на посадку?
- Нет, 6лять, на взлет!
- Вам батон нарезной?
- Нет, 6лять, гладкоствольный!
Утром выхожу из душа с намотанным полотенцем на голове, мой спрашивает:
- Ты что, из душа?
- Нет, 6лять, из Индии - прямым рейсом!
Начальник - секретарше:
- Соберите всех сотрудников на совещание, срочно!
- По селектору?
- Нет, 6лять, через «одноклассников»!
Идет мужик в одном сапоге.
- Мужчина, вы, что сапог потеряли?
- Нет, 6лять, нашёл!
- Я забыла дома утюг выключить!
- И, что, у тебя теперь всё сгорит?
- Нет, 6лять, всё погладится!
- Номер, который вы вызываете, не отвечает…
- Что, совсем?
- Нет, 6лять, первые две цифры ответили, а остальные молчат!
- Мужчина! У вас к жопе газета прилипла!
- Что, правда?
- Нет, 6лять, "Известия"!

Your word is palindrome

"Can you use it in a sentence?"

Go hang a salami I'm a lasagna hog.

Have you ever been in a situation where you see someone waving but you’re not sure if they are waving at you or at someone else?
It seems I’m not cut out to be a lifeguard.

I've just accidentally sent a naked photo of myself to everyone in my address book...
Not only is it embarrassing, but it cost a fortune in stamps...

I was delighted to come home and realize all my lamps had been stolen.

I saw a golf buggy parked in a disabled bay & wondered what his handicap was.

There was a race in my kitchen last night.
The lettuce was ahead, the tomato was trying to ketchup, and the water was still running.

If you spend $4 on smart water, it's not working.

Jokes and Puns: The cure for a bad mood.

Pro tip for picking up girls - keep your back straight and lift with your knees.

''To love oneself is the beginning of a lifetime romance.''
–Oscar Wilde

They say the body is a temple... What I got is more of a bouncy castle.

Why did the little boy take a ruler to bed with him?
To see how long he slept!

Never let the printer know that you are in a hurry.

Рабинович, провожая взглядом молодую девушку, бормочет:
— Господи, забрал силы… забери и мысли!

Q: Where does expired milk go?
A: The CREAMatorium.

When I had my first eye test, the optician selected a pair of lenses, slipped them in and asked, "how is that?". I replied, "not bad, but I was hoping for more a bit more stylish frames".

<Girl goes to eye doctor>
<Doctor comes in>
Doctor: I have your results here
Girl: Can I see them?
Doctor: Probably not...

Having plans sounds great until you realize you have to put on clothes and actually leave the house.

Jokes and Puns: The ultimate source of laughter.

Turns out indoor stone throwing is a mistake no matter what your house is made of.

The Swordfish has no natural predators. Except the Penfish, which is supposed to be even mightier.

How do you train to be a pirate?
You have to attend a semin-arrrgh.

I went to the library today to find a new book about Pavlov's dog and Schrodinger's cat, that went on a road trip together. The librarian said "It rings a bell, but I'm not sure if it is there or not?"

I like to sleep with the bedside lamp on. My wife says it's weird.
I don't know why, it makes a great hat.

New ballerina is looking for a male to lead her and provide some guy-dance.

So, if you try to fail and succeed, which have you done ?

У шутки должно быть начало и неожиданный конец. Как у тайской бабы.

I'm such a romantic. Told my wife that her teeth are like the stars in the sky because they come out at night.

What kind of house weighs the least?
A lighthouse.

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SEE also - The TOP MOST viewed Jokes - hilarious collection with top views:

They have been viewed so many times that they've practically become the unofficial currency of internet humor, making us wonder if we're all just living in a digital comedy club.