Bedtime Humor with Sleep Jokes to Make You Smile.

Laugh your way to dreamland.

"I love sleep. It's my favorite thing to do when I'm not awake."

- Ellen DeGeneres

Sleep Jokes meme.
Sleep Jokes meme.

Weird never felt so funny.
- Updated: 2024-09-15.

  1. Sleep Jokes: Where humor meets the land of nod!

  2. The average sleep required by an average person is ‘five minutes more’.

    I have no sex appeal; if my husband didn’t toss and turn, we’d never have had the kid.

    Sleep is death without the responsibility.

    Mike Tyson sleeps with a nightlight…not because he’s afraid of the dark, but the dark is afraid of Mike Tyson.

    Me: “Let me sleep” – Brain: “lol, no, let’s stay awake and remember every stupid decision you made in your life.”- Me:”Okay”

    “My brain during the day: “Potato, potato, ching chong potato” – My brain during the night: “I wonder why the Earth was placed exactly here and allowed us to provide a perfect climate to sustain human life.”

    I’ve stayed up all night trying to remember if I have amnesia or insomnia.

    Wife: “You told me so many bad things in your sleep last night”
    Husband: “Who was asleep?”

    My wife was surprised to hear that I actually enjoyed her punishment of making me sleeping on the sofa...
    I said that it made me feel manly, like I was camping...
    ...with a really angry bear somewhere close by...

    My deaf girlfriend was talking in her sleep last night.
    Damn near poked my eye out.

  3. Get your daily dose of giggles and good night's sleep.

  4. I'm so good at sleeping.
    I can do it with my eyes closed.

    Did you hear about the little girl who was sent to prison for not going to sleep last night? She was charged with resisting arrest!

    Did you hear about the parents who called their baby 'coffee?' It kept them up all night!

    Did you hear about the boy who slept with his head underneath his pillow? When he woke up, the tooth fairy had taken all his teeth!

    "Doctor, how can I stop my sleepwalking?"
    "Easy, just put drawing pins on the bedroom floor."

    Did you hear about the girl who was dreaming that she was eating a giant marshmallow? She woke up and her pillow was gone!

    "Doctor, I can't get to sleep at night."
    "Lie on the edge of the bed - you'll soon drop off!"

    Did you hear about the lady who always goes to sleep on a chandelier? She's a light sleeper!

    I got paid for being part of a study at a sleep clinic last night... it was my dream job!

    Did you hear about the kidnapping yesterday? It’s OK though, he woke up!

  5. Snooze and amuse with Sleep Jokes!

  6. Where do burgers sleep?
    On a bed of lettuce!

    What does a Mummy cow read to a baby cow before bed? Dairy tales!

    Why did the little boy take a ruler to bed with him?
    To see how long he slept!

    Why did the little boy hide sugar under his pillow at night?
    So he would have sweet dreams!

    Which animal sleeps with its shoes on?
    A horse!

    Why did the little girl take her bike to bed?
    Because she didn’t want to walk in her sleep!

    What should you do if you find a dinosaur sleeping in your bed?
    Find somewhere else to sleep!

    Which part of the car is the sleepiest?
    The wheels, because they're always tired!

    Why do worms hate getting up in the morning?
    Because the early bird catches the worm!

    How is it possible to go without sleep for seven days and not be tired?
    You sleep at night!

  7. Wake up refreshed and laughing with Sleep Jokes!

  8. What's it called when your feet go to sleep and won't wake up? Coma-toes!

    What do you call a sleeping bull? A bull dozer!

    What do you call a really sleepy egg? Egg-zosted!

    What did the Mummy broom say to the baby broom? It’s time to go to sweep!

    Which bit of art equipment makes you tired? A craYAWN!

    Why did the nurse tiptoe past the medicine cupboard? She didn’t want to wake up the sleeping pills!

    Why did the meatballs tell the spaghetti to close its eyes and go to sleep? It was pasta bedtime!

    What do you get when you cross a rooster with a duck? A bird that wakes up at the quack of dawn!

    Why did the man keep running around his bed? To catch up on his sleep!

    How do you put a baby astronaut to sleep? You rocket!

  9. Bedtime just got funnier with Sleep Jokes!

  10. What do you call a sleeping woodcutter? A slumber-jack!

    I know someone who was habitually late, until his doctor recommended sleeping in a herb garden. Sounds odd, I know, but now he wakes up on Thyme.

    Taller people sleep longer in bed.

    A friend gave up his job as a shepherd as every time he tried to count his flock, he fell asleep.

    Fell asleep on my smartphone the other day. I had downloaded a nap.

    What dinosaur makes most noise when he is a sleep? Tyrannosnorus.

    I sleep in a tower once every two weeks. It’s my fort night.

    Why do dragons often sleep during the day? So they can fight knights.

    I fell asleep beside the kitchen sink with the plug out. I feel completely drained now.

    I fitted an alarm clock to my shoe. It stops my foot from falling asleep.

  11. Making dreams come true... and making you laugh!

  12. Woke up the other day with a puzzled look on my face. Had fallen asleep on my crossword.

    Sleep is time machine to breakfast.

  13. Unwind, relax, and giggle your way to sleep.

  14. This post is on a laughter break. Stay tuned for some hilariously creative content!

  15. Sleep Jokes: Where comedy and slumber collide for a hilarious night's rest!

  16. This post is on a laughter break. Stay tuned for some hilariously creative content!

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