Random millennial joke:
why do millennials always type in lowercase?
because they reject capitalism.

Weird never felt so funny.
- Updated:
Selected millennial jokes:
What's the difference between a millennial and a large pizza?
A large pizza can feed a family of four.
Why can't millennials take a joke?
Because the jokes always hit a little too close to their parent's house.
I think Coronavirus is a millennial..
.. Because everyone's OK except the boomers.
People often tell me I'm very old fashioned for a millennial
I guess I'm just a late boomer.
More millennial jokes...
This generation wanted to change the world but ended up changing their gender and called it pride.
Boomers: the stockings are hung with care
Gen X: the stockings are hung with ‘I don't care’
Millennials: *staring at phone* can you hang them for me?
Study finds millennials are having less sex
Because they are expecting their parents to do it for them.
A dad complains "Millennials get certificates for anything..."
"My son got one last week just for dying!"
My grandpa told me, "You millennials are too dependent on technology...
.. so I plugged out his life support
If a Millennial dies, they can be eulogized as such:
"They died doing what they loved. Dying."
Study finds that the most popular fetish among Millennial is...
Role playing as a couple that owns a house.
What's the difference between a millennial and a large pizza?
A large pizza can feed a family of four.
Why are millennials so odd?
Because they can't even.
How many millennials does it take to change a light bulb?
Don't know, the baby boomer that has the job now can't retire because they never saved anything and millennials all have LED lights that last longer.
Why don’t cannibals like to eat millennials?
They’re too salty.
People often tell me I'm very old fashioned for a millennial
I guess I'm just a late boomer.
What did the millennial get on his wedding day?
A participation trophy wife.
What kind of job do millennials typically prefer?
A rimjob.
I think Coronavirus is a millennial..
.. Because everyone's OK except the boomers.
Why doesn't Santa have any millennial elves?
Because there are already enough snowflakes at the North Pole.
How many Millennials does it take to change a light bulb?
There's no app for that.
How do you weigh a millennial?
In instagrams.
Jokes about millennials aren’t funny
They just don’t work.
Millennial milestone: I finally moved out of my parents and moved in with my girlfriend. Her parents were supportive, too...
They even let us bring food upstairs.
Why can't millennials take a joke?
Because the jokes always hit a little too close to their parent's house.
why do millennials always type in lowercase?
because they reject capitalism.