Jokes About Time: Laughing Through the Ages.

Time flies when you're having fun, and our collection of funny jokes about time will help you make the most of every moment. Laugh your way through the day with our hilarious jokes.

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Time Jokes meme
Time Jokes meme.

Weird never felt so funny.
- Updated: 2024-09-18.

Selected time jokes:

My wife came into my shed yesterday and said, "You're wasting your time and money on all these inventions!"

It was at this point that the Slap-A-Twat Automatic 3000 came into its own!

A girl suggested I set up a double date to make our first time out less awkward.
I really hope my parents like her.

Does anyone remember the Swatch, a watch made in Switzerland? Thank god Croatia didn't come up with the idea first. Just imagine if someone were to ask you what time is it? "Oh pardon me while I look at my crotch."

I don't go swimming because it's never been 30 minutes after the last time I ate.

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Lani's Principles of Economics:
Taxes are not levied for the benefit of the taxed.
$100 placed at 7% interest compounded quarterly for 200 years will increase to more than $100,000,000 by which time it will be worth nothing.
In God we trust; all others pay cash.

Issawi's Law of the Social Sciences: By the time a social science theory is formulated in such a way that it can be tested, changing circumstances have already made it obsolete.

Hersh's Law: Biochemistry expands to fill the space and time available for its completion and publication.

Harden's Law: Every time you come up with a terrific idea, you find that someone else thought of it first.

Gray's Law of Programming: n+1 trivial tasks are expected to be accomplished in the same time as n trivial tasks. Logg's Rebuttal to Gray's Law of Programming: n+1 trivial tasks take twice as long as n trivial tasks.

Frothingham's Fallacy: Time is money.

Flap's Law: Any inanimate object, regardless of its composition or configuration, may be expected to perform at any time in a totally unexpected manner for reasons that are either entirely obscure or completely mysterious.

Extended Epstein-Heisenberg Principle: In an R & D orbit, only 2 of the existing 3 parameters can be defined simultaneously. The parameters are: task, time, and resources ($). 1) If one knows what the task is, and there is a time limit allowed for the completion of the task, then one cannot guess how much it will cost. 2) If the time and resources ($) are clearly defined, then it is impossible to know what part of the R & D task will be performed. 3) If you are given a clearly defined R & D goal and a definte amount of money which has been calculated to be necessary for the completion of the task, one cannot predict if and when the goal will be reached. 4) If one is lucky enough to be able to accurately define all three parameters, then what one is dealing with is not in the realm of R & D.

Old Engineer's Law: The larger the project or job, the less time there is to do it.

Dunn's Discovery: The shortest measurable interval of time is the time between the moment one puts a little extra aside for a sudden emergency and the arrival of that emergency.

Decaprio's Rule: Everything takes more time and money.

Cropp's Law: The amount of work done varies inversely with the amount of time spent in the office.

Corcoroni's Laws of Bus Transportation:

The bus that left the stop just before you got there is your bus.
The amount of time you have to wait for a bus is directly proportional to the inclemency of the weather.
All buses heading in the opposite direction drive off the face of the earth and never return.
The last rush-hour express bus to your neighborhood leaves five minutes before you get off work.
Bus schedules are arranged so your bus will arrive at the transfer point precisely one minute after the connecting bus has left.
Any bus that can be the wrong bus will be the wrong bus. All others are out of service or full.

Cohn's Law: The more time you spend in reporting on what you are doing, the less time you have to do anything. Stability is achieved when you spend all your time doing nothing but reporting on the nothing you are doing.

Churchill's Commentary on Man: Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on as though nothing has happened.

Cartoon Laws:

Any body suspended in space will remain in space until made aware of its situation. Daffy Duck steps off a cliff, expecting further pastureland. He loiters in midair, soliloquizing flippantly, until he chances to look down. At this point, the familiar principle of 32 feet per second per second takes over.
Any body in motion will tend to remain in motion until solid matter intervenes suddenly. Whether shot from a cannon or in hot pursuit on foot, cartoon characters are so absolute in their momentum that only a telephone pole or an outsize boulder retards their forward motion absolutely. Sir Isaac Newton called this sudden termination of motion the stooge's surcease.
Any body passing through solid matter will leave a perforation conforming to its perimeter. Also called the silhouette of passage, this phenomenon is the speciality of victims of directed-pressure explosions and of reckless cowards who are so eager to escape that they exit directly through the wall of a house, leaving a cookie-cutout- perfect hole. The threat of skunks or matrimony often catalyzes this reaction.
The time required for an object to fall twenty stories is greater than or equal to the time it takes for whoever knocked it off the ledge to spiral down twenty flights to attempt to capture it unbroken. Such an object is inevitably priceless, the attempt to capture it inevitably unsuccessful.
All principles of gravity are negated by fear. Psychic forces are sufficient in most bodies for a shock to propel them directly away from the earth's surface. A spooky noise or an adversary's signature sound will induce motion upward, usually to the cradle of a chandelier, a treetop, or the crest of a flagpole. The feet of a character who is running or the wheels of a speeding auto need never touch the ground, especially when in flight.
As speed increases, objects can be in several places at once. This is particularly true of tooth-and-claw fights, in which a character's head may be glimpsed emerging from the cloud of altercation at several places simultaneously. This effect is common as well among bodies that are spinning or being throttled. A 'wacky' character has the option of self- replication only at manic high speeds and may ricochet off walls to achieve the velocity required.
Certain bodies can pass through solid walls painted to resemble tunnel entrances; others cannot. This trompe l'oeil inconsistency has baffled generation, but at least it is known that whoever paints an entrance on a wall's surface to trick an opponent will be unable to pursue him into this theoretical space. The painter is flattened against the wall when he attempts to follow into the painting. This is ultimately a problem of art, not of science.
Any violent rearrangement of feline matter is impermanent. Cartoon cats possess even more deaths than the traditional nine lives might comfortably afford. They can be decimated, spliced, splayed, accordion-pleated, spindled, or disassembled, but they cannot be destroyed. After a few moments of blinking self pity, they reinflate, elongate, snap back, or solidify.

Brien's First Law: At some time in the life cycle of virtually every organization, its ability to succeed in spite of itself runs out.

Branch's First Law of Crisis: The spirit of public service will rise, and the bureaucracy will multiply itself much faster, in time of grave national concern.

Berkeley's Laws:

The world is more complicated than most of our theories make it out to be.
Ignorance is no excuse.
Most problems have either many answers or no answer. Only a few problems have a single answer.
An answer may be wrong, right, both, or neither. Most answers are partly right and partly wrong.
A chain of reasoning is no stronger than its weakest link.
A statement may be true independently of illogical reasoning.
Most general statements are false, including this one.
An exception TESTS a rule; it NEVER PROVES it.
The moment you have worked out an answer, start checking it -- it probably isn't right.
If there is an opportunity to make a mistake, sooner or later the mistake will be made.
Being sure mistakes will occur is a good frame of mind for catching them.
Check the answer you have worked out once more -- before you tell it to anybody.
Estimating a figure may be enough to catch an error.
Figures calculated in a rush are very hot; they should be allowed to cool off a little before being used; thus we will have a reasonable time to think about the figures and catch mistakes.
A great many problems do not have accurate answers, but do have approximate answers, from which sensible decisions can be made.

Belle's Constant: The ratio of time involved in work to time available for work is usually about 0.6.

Laws of Applied Confusion: The one piece that the plant forgot to ship is the one that supports 75% of the balance of the shipment.
Corollary: Not only did the plant forget to ship it, 50% of the time they haven't even made it.
Approval Seeker's Law: Those whose approval you seek the most give you the least.

Corollary: If there is a worse time for something to go wrong, it will happen then.

It’s important to look closely at lawn signs during election campaigns…
Last time I voted for a real estate agent.

Thanksgiving is a time to count your blessings, one by one, as each relative goes home.

I got a bite the first time I went fishing. I panicked and phoned the Fisherman's Advice Bureau to see what I should do...
"Please hold the line" they said!

I saw an ad touting "less time traveling" as a benefit of online banking.
I don't think I can time travel any less than I do now.

I was sitting on the toilet, angry, and late for work.

I thought to myself, "I don't have time for this shit."

I have no clocks downstairs. My time is up.

I finally figured out why your sister is not a ballet dancer...
Because every time she does a split, she sticks to the floor.

I'm glad there is a "Mothers' Day" at least 1 time per year... But humbled that there are 52 "Son-days" per year!

If two online friends meet each other first time in real world in disco club...
... can we say that they disconnected?

That's the last time i call the cocaine addiction help centre.

They told me they were busy and to try another line!

Here's an idea you can use to get some time alone as an introvert.
Just cough once and tell them how amazing the china trip was.

The introvert urge to stay up far too late because it’s the only time you can be alone.

I had a pet rock a long time ago. I never realized how stoned he was back then.

My trainer told me that every time I ate a donut it went to my hip.
Note to self: eat 2 so my hips will match.

They are going to remake The Wizard of Oz only this time starring Sylvester Stallone. Its called Somewhere over the Rambo.

I consider exercise self care, so I make time for it. Same goes for masturbation..

The "Using Time Wisely" conference has been moved to February 28-30.

Sir, the last time I saw a dick that small I was changing a diaper.

The worst time to need to sneeze is when you’re driving.

The worst time to need to pee it when you’re driving and need to sneeze.

Spend your free time to build things that will help you have more free time.

The only time I've ever used sex to get what I want is when I want sex.

You should never attempt Pottery when you're tired.
Last time I tried I almost fell asleep at the wheel.

Trying to find a good time to tell my dog he's adopted.

Those who can laugh at troubles must be having a hilarious time nowadays.

My favourite time of the day is anytime the liquor store isn’t closed.

The only time that my wife screams my name in bed is when I fart in my sleep...

I was on the toilet, angry, and late for work. I thought, I don’t have time for this shit.

I feel sorry for historians, they have such a hard time letting go of the past.

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